4000sec search time in ranked monkaS

Indeed dead game. Мертвая игра!
I have 25 1 stat with gold 5 and cant find any solo ranked game ))
proof ttps://ibb.co/synx5vZ ttps://ibb.co/Ntn1xY3

:frog: :sob:

I always have to wait max 5 min. You live in the middle of noware or something?

nah its started few days ago after my score went above 20 1

Please post in this thread:

Secret brag thread I see

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Hows that main game mode comin along? :joy::rofl:

Long wait times only for people living in mid no where. For you living in a city its only 5 min wait time. :joy::rofl::joy:

Its like 7 in europe on a Friday morning of course wait times are going to be bad