Zephyr/game crash

Hey, is anyone else’s game still crashing as soon as you play Zephyr?


Yes, happened to me repeatedly this morning. Blizzard wake up…

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Can you provide some more details? What was the board state before encountering the issue? What was the order of cards played before encountering the issue? Were you on mobile or desktop?

Happy Gaming


The game instantly crashes as soon as Zephyr is played. (before the 3 cards show up) (the only time it doesn’t crash is if its played while the deck has duplicates) other than that, regardless of the board state, it always crashes, even if opponent has an empty board. Never happened until the latest patch about 2 weeks ago give or take.
I use android tablet, a new model. Quite alot of people have also been experiencing this issue lately.

I’ve played the card in different games, different boards, 15+ matches ( all in ranked~wild) the only time it didn’t crash was the one time I had duplicates in my deck



I got the bug 2 times today. Playing on the PC, game crashes as soon as I play Zeph. The time I had recorded my board was clear, enemy had a 10/10 Edwin (new card) and a tiny fin on board. My hand was Barista, bolner, hagatha´s scheme, Doppelgangster, coin, reno, saronite. Zeph gave me SW:death, voidwalker and mark of the wild
The other time i don´t have the information for sure, but enemy had full board of pirates, my board had only a healing totem, zeph gave me flamestrike, nether and Tirion. In my hand I think it was just shudder.


Happened to me also. Thought it was my gpu acting up. Then I thought it was dejvu. Took a screenshot.

https:// ibb .co/Sx2Rz7K

1080ti Kingpin x2 SLI (yet i cant even get 120fps only 110 rip lol)
windows 7

delete the spaces for the link


Happened to me too twice in a single game. My opponent played Zephyr not me. I am on PC.


Just another report:

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Devs, 12k free dust & 5k gold for the players whom didn’t play this seasons ranked ladder due to the constant crashes?

Am joking, but that’d be a neat gift

I didn’t realize blues actually reply to posts.


I guess people were (half) right when they claimed “zephrys is a no skill card: you play it and the game immediately ends” :joy:


This has also happened to me. I am playing on Mobile iOS. Playing Zeph crashes the client.


Please fix this but it is incredibly frustrating. Had it happen to me 3 times today, doesn’t matter the board state, it happens the same every time. I lost my turn because of it, and ended up losing the game. This is ridiculous and needs to be fixed ASAP, makes the game extremely unfun when you lose winnable games and it was completely out of your control.


It has been 14 days (since November 2, 2021) since the confirmation of this bug, and not a single developer fixed it or responded to us, and of course not a single worker in this company are going to compensate any of us with gold or dust.

Activision Blizzard, a “small indie” company. Give your love to them, and they will give you love and respect, because they care to provide a good and fair experience for end-users, right?. (sarcasm)


Hey, it happened to me twice today. I decided to go back into the game after finding this forum to make it happen a third time with the same deck, but THIS time it worked perfectly, naturally. So, uh, I know if won’t disconnect me in all cases now? Maybe it’s something to do with the cards it conjures and a disconnect between the old Classic/Basic set and the new Legacy set distinction?

Yes, not all the times happens. And also not all the times your Zephrys will disconnect the opposite player.

But more than like the half of the times it will happen.

Who knows, but we better let the developers do their research work… when they want to start doing it, maybe before the end of the next year. Otherwise, if we continue speculating like you did and we continue offering all the research and help in general to the devs. we should at least ask for financial compensation because we are now like unpaid beta testers doing part of their job for free (and 15 entire days has been past without any official answer from they, which is even worse than working for this company for free while we give our money to them for a video-game that can’t be played).

Just happened twice to me in a single game. The opponent was the one playing it, both times there were multiple minions on board (non specific order). I was playing with an Android phone.

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zeph is getting his revenge cuz he was restricted to wild

working as intended

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this indie studio cant fix this card that crashes the game every time its played for the past 6 months

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fix zephyrs fix zephyrs fix zephyrs fix zephyrs fix zephyrs fix zephyrs fix zephyrs fix zephyrs fix zephyrs fix zephyrs fix zephyrs fix zephyrs fix zephyrs fix zephyrs fix zephyrs fix zephyrs fix zephyrs fix zephyrs fix zephyrs fix zephyrs fix zephyrs fix zephyrs fix zephyrs fix zephyrs fix zephyrs fix zephyrs fix zephyrs fix zephyrs fix zephyrs fix zephyrs fix zephyrs fix zephyrs fix zephyrs fix zephyrs fix zephyrs fix zephyrs fix zephyrs fix zephyrs fix zephyrs fix zephyrs fix zephyrs fix zephyrs fix zephyrs fix zephyrs fix zephyrs fix zephyrs fix zephyrs fix zephyrs fix zephyrs fix zephyrs fix zephyrs fix zephyrs fix zephyrs fix zephyrs fix zephyrs fix zephyrs fix zephyrs fix zephyrs fix zephyrs fix zephyrs fix zephyrs fix zephyrs fix zephyrs fix zephyrs fix zephyrs fix zephyrs fix zephyrs fix zephyrs fix zephyrs fix zephyrs fix zephyrs fix zephyrs fix zephyrs fix zephyrs fix zephyrs fix zephyrs fix zephyrs fix zephyrs fix zephyrs fix zephyrs fix zephyrs fix zephyrs fix zephyrs fix zephyrs fix zephyrs fix zephyrs fix zephyrs fix zephyrs fix zephyrs fix zephyrs fix zephyrs fix zephyrs fix zephyrs fix zephyrs fix zephyrs fix zephyrs fix zephyrs fix zephyrs fix zephyrs fix zephyrs fix zephyrs fix zephyrs fix zephyrs fix zephyrs fix zephyrs fix zephyrs fix zephyrs fix zephyrs fix zephyrs fix zephyrs