Original topic: Tyrande, oh where oh where?
A Comprehensive Timeline (Click to Expand)
Late 2015*
- Blizzard announced Tyrande as a new priest hero.
April 27th 2016
- Year of the Kraken started, marking the debut of the Standard Year. Followed by the release of Whispers of the Old Gods expansion.
September 30th 2016 - November 5th 2016
- Tyrande was made available in countries with Twitch Prime. Meanwhile Blizzard announced they will find more ways to unlock her for people who did not live in the aforementioned countries.*
November 17th 2016 - December 31st 2016
- Tyrande was made available in China via WeChat account subscription.
January 25th 2017 - February 10th 2017
- Tyrande was made available in Southeast Asia countries through a card pack purchase promotion.
April 6th 2017
- The Year of the Kraken ended. Followed by the Year of the Mammoth and the release of Journey to Un’goro expansion.
June 2017*
- Yong Woo confirmed that they will make her available again in the Year of the Mammoth (April 6th 2017 - April 12th 2018) in the form of a tweet reply.
July 14th 2017
- Ben Brode confirmed that they were still working on this issue in a reddit AMA.
November 9th 2017
- The thread Tyrande, oh where oh where was created on Hearthstone forum.
November 2017
- Community Manager confirmed that this was still in the works.
January 2018 - February 2018
- Twitch Prime promotion. No Tyrande.
April 12th 2018
- The Year of the Mammoth ended. Followed by the Year of the Raven and the release of The Witchwood expansion. Tyrande was not made available in that year.
April 20th 2018
- Shortly after the Hearthstone new year, Ben Brode left T5 and Blizzard.
July 2018*
- T5 confirmed that Tyrande will return in the future in a Tavern Talk, but they could not announce a date because “it is not set in stone”. The reasoning behind this is still a myth to this day.
July 22nd 2018
- Community Manager’s last reply in the Tyrande, oh where oh where thread.
August 2018*
- Yong Woo left T5 and Blizzard.
November 2nd 2018 - November 3rd 2018
- BlizzCon 2018. No news on Tyrande.
February 12th 2019
- Layoffs at Activision-Blizzard. Community Managers were all let go.
April 9th 2019
- The Year of the Raven ended. Followed by the Year of the Dragon and the release of Rise of Shadows expansion. Tyrande was not made available in that year.
April 22nd 2019
- T5 confirmed that this was still in the works and promised an ETA “before the end of the year”.
November 1st 2019 - November 2nd 2019
- BlizzCon 2019. No news on Tyrande.
November 2nd 2019
- T5 confirmed again that Tyrande will be made for free by the end of the year.
November 5th 2019
- T5 stated that Tyrande will be available by December.
December 5th 2019
- Tyrande was announced to be obtainable by visiting the in-game shop starting from Dec 10th, 2019.
December 10th 2019
- Tyrande was obtainable through visiting the in-game shop. A remarkable achievement in HS history!
*Source may not be reliable.
Blizzard's Official Responses (Updated November 2019)
From Rise of Shadows Q&A - April 22, 2019 - #280 by MeanBob-1146
“We’d love to bring back the Tyrande alternate hero and things like missing Card backs. It’s one of the most asked for things from the community. It’s frustrating knowing you missed out on something while you were away or before you started playing Hearthstone. We’re working on the right way to get them in to your hands.”- Liv Breeden
“We’re working on delivering it before the end of the year.” - Liv Breeden
From Any News of Tyrande? Promised at The End of the Year… - Nov 2019
“We are still planning on giving it away free this year.” - Mike Donais
From Yup I bet Tyrande is one of those rewards
“Tyranda is not till December :(” - Mike Donais
Useful Links
Any word of Tyrande? - Jan 17, 2017
Hearthstone Tavern Talk - Jul 5, 2018
Rise of Shadows Q&A - Apr 22, 2019
Any News of Tyrande? Promised at The End of the Year… - Nov 1, 2019
Important Notice
As a continuation of the old thread, this thread is intended for civil discussions. Thus, (as per our CM Jesse):
- Please be respectful in your posts.
- You are free to discuss ideals, but do not turn it into attacking one another.
- Do not call each other names or discredit another’s view.
- This thread is being left open for feedback, concerns and to provide context to Team 5.
Attempts of trolling, harassing or any other behaviours that breaks the established rules are prohibited by the Blizzard Forum Code of Conduct.
This thread was one of the longest running thread on the forums ever since November 2017. It finally came to an end on December 10th, 2019 as a result of Tyrande’s return.
It had been a long and rough journey with joy, anger, desperation and frustration. For many, it was the anger of the unfairness of the initial release. For others, it was the remorse of not playing during the right time. But nonetheless, our initial wish had all been the same: Let her make a return.
Through every Q&A, through media, through CS, through forums… we fought to attract Blizzard’s attention. We even got our reward: a promise given by Team 5.
But none seemed to have changed anything. The sweet promise turned to a heartbreaking lie. Controversies and arguments dominated the old thread: some even believed we are just pathetic whiners. At one point of time, hope seemingly started to fade away.
Yet people fought hard. During the Year of the Raven, we endured the darkest days on the forums, sharing our thoughts and ideas, hoping that one day our dream would become true. The top post of all time reminded Team 5 that they had a promise that had yet to deliver.
The ending seemed to be surprisingly trivial compared to all of these - almost too short. We got what we wanted for so long. But for me, the weight of the “claim your gift” button was almost overwhelming. (Maybe I was just too obsessed with it). Everyone here knew what it meant - and I understood it well.
To mark the end of this, I think it is very important to acknowledge what we had been doing over the past 3 years. My sincerest thanks to everyone who had cared, participated and aided this whole issue. A special shout-out to our former community manager Jesse Hill, who had been extremely caring and helped us get things settled. It was impossible to have the whole thread updated without our united will.
May Elune light your path!
“Azuremyst” - December 14th, 2019.