Sick of playing Zilliaxstone

this card is ruining the game


Then stop playing?!.

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i dont see how …seems lampligheter is seeing more play

There are a TON of things that are basically unplayable because of mass Zilliax spam from warrior. If you don’t have an OTK or massive burn, you basically can’t beat it.

And a bunch of aggro decks lose to it because Zilliax can show up on turn 5, then 2 more on 7, then 3 more on 8.


The thing is, control priest could be a counter to zilliax warrior, with aman’thul, or repackage coming at 7. But control priest isn’t really a deck because it dies to pretty much everything else.

That and warrior can now summon and kill Zilliax without giving you the opportunity to interact with it before it enters the rez pool.

There is no “countering” zilliax anymore.


Then stop using the card.

i havent played pirate demonhunter for long but i havent seen zillax yet

i pulled the legendary from packs and counters for it so far no issues

I second this opinion. Zilliax with ever effect in the game is not fun to play against. If I have to play a specific deck to beat one deck and lose to everything else it isn’t fun.

Its pretty annoying.


Not to mention Warrior has all the regular tools to beat Priest anyway.

Not really. I’ve had a game with overheal priest where warrior has been keeping Zilliax in his hand until he has been able to kill it himself even that I’ve had 3 (!) titans in my hand to counter it. So if an enemy is not a silver novice even Aman’Tul is not the best option.

Really, only low rank people think this, while higher MMR people are dealing with turn 5 combo decks - sometimes turn 4 in wild, It shows how little you think of how to deal with Zill Dex.3000 if you think he alone is ruining the game when there more deprave decks then him.

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It’s all a symptom of Zilliax pushing out board based decks that aren’t hyper aggro. If the Zilliax decks get dealt with and no longer terrorize as they are then other board based decks can flourish and combat OTK decks. This is of course in the context of standard.

If we are talking about Lamplighter Rogue you can pretty much guarantee that deck disappears in next weeks balance patch. Moving it to 4 solves the issue perfectly.

There so much flaw logic, even if there was no Zill, these agro/hyper combo deck would still exist, these cards weren’t made the month after Zill came out. Slow Decks hate Agro, but also think Zill is annoying also cause they don’t play around it in mind, instead they want to be super greedy.

So the “Symptom” is decks will always be built around the most common/fastest deck that can get wins quickly. Agro will always exist if a slow greedy build exist, and Zill is a tool, but can easily be stop in a highlander, or run Yog and get it control/kill it on yourself after the bubble pop.

Let’s look at other toxic deck where Zill was needed, hand buff pally, or what about DK, those decks get some huge number minions real fast that a deck need Zill to fight off, if they can get to that point in the game.

Acting like how hyper fast these agro decks only exist cause Zill is by far a joke to any card game, as Aggro decks always exist, Zill isn’t a problem for Aggro cause they end the game so fast, Zill isn’t a problem to people who play around it in control/highlander, Zill isn’t a problem if you know card games, or know the history of degen decks, people will always play the most degen decks, doesn’t mean card like Zill is the problem, Remember when the other Zill was call the problem, the perfect 5 mana card, people said he was too perfect , and the newer 1 just the same thing as only issue you can build it for agro or control and mid range, only thing he doesn’t help is combo deck, but you can make him as a mid range card to by you an extra turn to combo, but in the end, it’s the same issue with other degen deck existing and a single card isn’t ruining the game.

Man sure there allot of thing that ‘ruin the game’

Let’s see, when I left I remember Ticketus being said ruin the game also, oh and let’s not forget other cards like Edwin, or res Priest, and how the Titan were said to ruin the game also cause they’re nearly included in most decks… Allot of things seem to ruin the game.

Sure glad you think 1 card ruins the whole game, and not the decks that abuse it that have nearly no counter play, Oh Toggwaggle was also said to ruin the game cause they steal your deck. Shudder also, it totally wasn’t the decks built around the card ruin it, it was the card itself, right? Sure love seeing these decks still in wild and having to play around these all the time, cause they ruin the game where those are the only decks can be play.

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I agree. This meta makes no sense, only because Zilliax 9-cost exists.

There is no playing around Zilliax right now.

Literally zero methods.

If you don’t kill the warrior before they have 8 Mana, or don’t have an OTK, Zilliax will grind you to dust.

They usually play no less than 4 copies of hydration station and 1-2 copies of inventor boom. Some are starting to also use boomboss to disrupt OTKs.

There are a good number of decks that could potentially beat the hyper aggro options, but they all lose terribly to Zilliax warrior, and cards don’t exist to stop it.

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I think there are ways to play around zilliax… alone.

But warrior has ways to play around your ways to play around zilliax.

Warrior has ramp, so the better expensive zilliax counters cannot come fast enough, and/or warrior ramps to something else you have to deal with. You yogg their zilliax? They can save their yogg to yogg it back for example.

Warrior also has a way to cheat zilliax out for 5. Not only does it mean warrior can be faster than you like ramp, the cheat even hits zilliax’s shield for him, making it easier for warrior to kill it.

Warrior has ways to tutor zilliax, along with general draw. They can keep up with you if not exceed you if it’s a race to draw through your deck.

On the disruption front, warrior has a legendary that eats stuff and boomboss. Their removal kit (namely brawl) works nicely with dirty rat. They are a highlander class if they want to go that route, with brann able to supercharge not just their rats and boomboss but other stuff too.

Warrior still has access to armor and removal tools they’re known for, which cuts down on the kind of aggro or OTK decks that can kill them in time.

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Uh, sure - I never had issues with my highlander Druid I run

really unplayable? sure.

Pretty sure the most common deck anyone with actual high rank will see more Rouge, Demon Hunter, and Mage, and Druid combo off - Zill didn’t make the combo the deck would have been made regardless, If you can get to the point where you can play “Zil” then sure you win, cause they already used burst or running low on cards to play from hand while you start recovering.

Roffle plays the hyper fast combo before mage at timestamp

The Mage version on how fast it beats me

Yea no… Zill isn’t the problem, even if he was remove, Aggro and these hyper fast OTK/Combo decks would still win, even Elemental Shamen/Rouge beats greeder decks.

Aggro beat Slow Decks, Slow Decks beat Mid Range - there really no Mid range Decks, there combo decks that are mid-range ish, but they are more combo then mid-range with burst while making board.

Look up the trinity for card games

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