Sick of playing Zilliaxstone

It’s the only control deck left in the meta and not that great in general.

You posted wild decks. No one is complaining about Zilliax as a wild deck. That format has waaaay more powerful ways to make sure games don’t go particularly long, and far more options for infinite value that don’t exist to counter it in standard.

Plus, the people you played in those replays were uhh, not great… Against the highlander warrior (not the deck with infinite Zilliax spam) you had 20 Mana by turn 8. The other warrior that was also highlander Made some really awful plays and basically threw away their Zilliax value cards.

Except fairly often in hearthstone it’s the slow decks that beat aggro because they build 90% removal and draw. Combo beats slow decks because they have no defenses against it. And midrange can’t compete with any of the three.

The “card game trinity” is usually pretty messed up in hearthstone due to the inability to act during your opponent’s turn.

It is half the reason it’s the only control deck in the meta.

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yep is a great counter they are4 forced to play differently vs a priest

if they summon it i silence with royal librarian so boom only summons one i use amanthul on it so hidration statiion can only summon one and when they play it i do it again!

if for some reason like bad draws i cant get my silence on time i just wait for themt o spam and …repackage it

i run 2 repackage so usually my focus is on killing booom before bundling the board into the spell

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Man, you are linking a post i made in October 2022. October 2022, man. Nearly 2 years ago.

And yes, Aggro was majorly tier 1 at the time. And guess what, here are today meta snapshot on diamond to legend

ht tps://

see this why this game sucks, its no skill anymore, just zerg rush.

Funny look at the statement, no-one ever claim standard or wild, they just say He’s ruining the game, which imply also wild.

Your own words, and proven wrong. 2nd you say wild is by far stronger, and it’s more degen, so shouldn’t that even make the statement more true, a place where the card can be seen to it’s true power

You claim cards don’t exist, but there are cards, you can just poof it with highlander, you can remove it with priest, you can steal it, You can object it, you can do allot of things - no counter deck, seem to me you only use mainstream meta decks that will always have weakness cause they’re trying do their own thing rather then counteract what they most commonly face.

D10-legend ? Dude you really going nickpick on how ppl play when wild is a more broken format that you already agree too in higher rank not playing aggro/combo ?? Man your making reasons up to not admit you are wrong?

Aggro always lost to mid-range decks cause they got early, mid and late game cards.

That call control, literally that what control decks always done in ALL card games.

Funny, that what hyper aggro and OTK decks are, what are combo? Well it’s cards that cause chain reactions to their win con. faster that then burst down their foes.

There plenty of card games where you can’t interact during your opponent turn - not every game is like MTG, or Yugioh that can trigger thing during your opponent turn.

What most deck are you playing? And literally can tell you what your deck would be classifed as, as most likely if your playing a card every turn for tempo + damage to be only wipe, mean your a mid-range deck, so ofc you lose to control, but have no issues with aggro decks, cause - what did I say mid-range beats aggro. Like the trinity always has been.

Zill isn’t the problem, again - it’s the way the deck are built and play, Are you efficently trading, making hard and weird break points for them to remove cards? Are you spreading trade or just going face, even in standard, - I still have no issues, with , OMG a highlander Druid deck also?!?!

Highlander Druid

Highlander Druid

Class: Druid

Format: Standard

Year of the Pegasus

1x (1) Cactus Construct

1x (1) Giftwrapped Whelp

1x (1) Glacial Shard

1x (1) Malfurion’s Gift

1x (1) Scarab Keychain

1x (2) Audio Amplifier

1x (2) Gold Panner

1x (2) Trail Mix

1x (3) Frost Lotus Seedling

1x (3) Gorgonzormu

1x (3) New Heights

1x (3) Pendant of Earth

1x (3) Snuggle Teddy

1x (3) Splish-Splash Whelp

1x (3) Swipe

1x (3) Take to the Skies

1x (4) Chia Drake

1x (4) Desert Nestmatron

1x (4) E.T.C., Band Manager

1x (1) Malfurion’s Gift

1x (2) Dirty Rat

1x (3) Rustrot Viper

1x (4) Park Panther

1x (4) Spinetail Drake

1x (5) Sky Mother Aviana

1x (5) Summer Flowerchild

1x (6) Gnomelia, S.A.F.E. Pilot

1x (8) Rheastrasza

1x (9) Fye, the Setting Sun

1x (9) Yogg-Saron, Unleashed

1x (0) Zilliax Deluxe 3000

1x (0) Zilliax Deluxe 3000

1x (4) Virus Module

1x (5) Perfect Module

1x (10) Eonar, the Life-Binder

1x (10) Reno, Lone Ranger


To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and create a new deck in Hearthstone

I got to Diamond with this deck just fine, after not playing for 2 years, missing lot of standard cards, which is why I mainly play wild, and the most common decks I see are the degen decks going by turn 4-6 wins, , when I do get warrior, I hold Reno for Zill then poof it, let see IF I was play other classes, other card that could be used, hmmm so many I already listed, but you must think highly of skill, so I don’t need to make a deck of classes I don’t play

Actually to show you how funny this is

DK - 4 wins
DH - 30 wins
Druid - 4573 wins
Hunter - 17 wins
Mage - 33 wins
Pally - 40 wins
Priest - 48 wins
Rouge - 38 wins
Shamen - 32 wins
Warlock - 41 wins
Warrior - 32 wins

So, I play single class only since classic days of this game On and Off, I am by far the only person who had to make some jank decks in standard with like Gonk Druid and make it work during those time, I even made a forum long time ago to try out people decks and give them feed back on how to improve their druid class in both wild and standard. So what does this mean? I look at what open to my class I play, Build around what meta decks I face most often, If I run into warrior 10 + times, change my deck to face it, if I run into rouge, mage, or whatever, I’ll change my deck around those.

Yes I’ll even try the mainstream decks to understand the combo and flaws for my main class and fix it up. So please go on how you don’t have tool that are there, you choose not to use them, instead you want to copy and paste a deck that show X win rate then complain about a card without understanding how it actually is.

Control Warrior isn’t even T1, it’s literally a low T2 deck

T1 deck’s as of the 1st

Showdown Pally, HandBuff pally, Pirate Shamen - oh surprise surprise, they beat warrior also? GASP

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Uh, no… control warrior beats paladin decks without much problem

It loses to concierge druid (OTK), Pirate DH, pain lock, and shaman(crazy aggro), Zarimi Priest (sets up an OTK earlier than the warrior hits 8 mana), and Insanity warlock (has an OTK). It’s hard to say what ramp druid and reno priest are doing to have supposedly favored matchups, but builds are still changing and that data could be less than reliable.
this version of it doesn’t seem to have the same weakness to priest thanks to the inclusion of boomboss.

There are a whole bunch of versions of the deck rolling around, and VS is showing the aggregate as the data hasn’t settled on the perfect 30 just yet. The deck is oppressive against most things in the standard meta, and the game experience is extremely bad.

The game is zerg rush because removal and discovery of removal is way to accessible. The core problem of the recent metas aren’t combo nor aggro, it’s control.

Literally just use yog. It counters zil hard

Yes, yogg totally counters a Zilliax that is summoned on turn 4 or 5…

(hint: it doesn’t)

It also totally counters a zilliax that gets killed off with the remaining mana that warrior has when it ramps to 13-16! (it doesn’t)

Any warrior with a tiny bit of a brain will never be countered by Yogg in this meta.

Don’t kill it. Also silence is your friend. There’s tech cards and hard counters in this game. You don’t use them against a strong card and then complain when it beats you.

The warriors literally kill it themselves. They aren’t stupid.

Silence also doesn’t actually stop much. It weakens their first inventor boom or hydration station, that’s it.

There is no actual counter to Zilliax in this standard meta against a warrior that has the slightest clue about how to avoid them.

Idk must be a you issue. I don’t have any issue against warriors most of the time. Must be a low rank issue.

I can’t believe you’ve never seen warriors using chemical spill or their extra mana to make sure it dies before it can be countered.

Even low rank warriors figure that out pretty fast.

So you admit chemical spill is the issue not zil. Cards like chemical spill, shadowstep, etc hurt creativity with strong cards on their own because people lobby for the minion’s nerf instead of the supplemental cards that make the minion stronger.

No, Zilliax is still definitely the issue. It’s the only taunt minion that is ANYWHERE near this oppressive through hydration station. Even if they had to play it for 9 mana, new heights makes sure they can still have an AoE to ensure it hits the rez pool before you can interact with it.

Chemical spill just gives an easy access to avoiding most of the interaction a bit earlier.

With 9 mana, they can’t cast new heights. Gives you a turn to yog or reno or reska.

What are you talking about? They play new heights on turn 3… It’s a ramp card and then they have a max mana of 13, so they can zilliax + bladestorm to wipe out the divine shield and make sure it dies as well.

Removing chemical spill entirely just slows this down. It doesn’t change anything about how frustrating and uninteractive the combination of Zilliax + Hydration Station / Inventor Boom is.

Idk the names of all the cards. I don’t play warr. I literally don’t have a problem with them. If you don’t win against control by turn 9 or have an answer that’s not really their fault.

Smeet i would just abandoned this thread. You are arguing with a Brick Wall at this point.