Wheel Warlock ruins this game

Tired of cheap and stupid mechanics that RUIN the core of this game like Wheel Warlocks do.

Especially if they have Reno and Zilliax in their hand (which most do).

Unfun and totally unbalanced.


Between Demon sneed and the wheel of sneed, you might as well forfeit every game. I don’t mind losing if it is fun, but those are not fun.


Noo, Shopper DH does.

And Reno Warrior too.

And Sif Mage too.

And Zarimi Priest.

Aaaand Nature Shaman.

Aaaand Zilliax Rogue.

EVERY Deck in Standard Ruins the Game…


It’s just part of the ecosystem.

I played wheel warlock to legend and I loved it because I can play a control deck and it also does not take me 30 minutes to close a game.

I know it ruins DK and warrior (if I’m not too unlucky), but get destroyed by DH and rogues except when I’m very lucky in the card drawing order.

If your opponents had Reno and Zilliax every time, I would say you just get high-rolled or your deck does not pressure them enough in early game so they can draw a perfect hand before playing wheel.