Reno the lone ranger ruins the game

I just installed Hearthstone today for a bit of fun and after seeing this reno card, I’ll be uninstalling.


I can’t wait until this sh*t is gone too. One of the worst cards ever invented in this game.


You don’t say…


I just came across something else broken, I played some Russian rogue at Gold 1, and the timer had run to the end but he was able to keep buffing his weapon for at least a minute to over 30 damage so he could one-shot me. Then I went to report and the game closed. :rofl:

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That’s because you can play out cards faster than the animations play, which means he did it all during his legit time but the game took multiple times longer to play all the animations… I had the same situation 2 days ago, still feels weird, but it’s legit.


Git gud? If you hold nothing back and get hosed on opponent’s turn 9, it’s a little bit your own fault.

Reno is really strong, though.

i just want to know how the rogue weapon went to 30+ lol

i see that lag when i cast a multi-spell ability on my end. sometimes it won’t let me do anything while it’s running and time expires. idk how the lag would allow that many cards to play AND a weapon attack.


Unfortunately, Reno is just one of them… and maybe we can say… it is the worst… there are even more removers which should not even exist like this… Warlock Titan, Priest Titan, Reska, Yogy, Boomboss, Symphony of Sins… these all were a huge mistake and should never been created.

They’re using triplicated Sonja Waterdancer with Valeera’s Gift to give triplicate copies of Poison Weapon for OTK.


This game is ruined a long time ago.


Reno should cost 10 mana.

oh right i forgot some players want the opponent to be unable to defend themselves and sit there while they get hit in the face

No one said such thing, but don’t need removers for that… the game has a lot of board clears already as you may know and players can discover even more… removing the minions from the game is just unfair and making the enemy’s job just too easy to win… not to mention deck destroying which is also an absolutely unfair thing,

Obvious alt is obvious. (Them, not you. (Although you’re obvious too tbh.) )

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I am notanalt, though?

As for the topic, it’s obvious that your first move after installing the game for the first time or after a hiatus is to run to the forums to complain about having a card played against you… right?

Because the matchmaker just threw you in the deep end and not to the surplus of bots that still exist in the low ranks?

Say I even believe it. What kind of person claims “I am installing for fun” and then complain first day of playing lol. Top tier topic, really. Hilarious.

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The main problem with the card is depending what deck you play (god forbid if you want to play a fun or creative one) and how you draw, sometimes you know way before reno hits that you will lose, and then he hits, and you lose (or in most cases, just quit out the game). This…is fun for neither player. Even the player with Reno, must be bored, as they know they have already won and they did nothing special to achieve the victory, it was preordained. So idk. Maybe this is “just how it is” now.

You’re free to lose with which ever deck you wish.

There are always strong cards that “force” players to play good decks.

I love winning after my opponent plays this card (though that’s partly because of the obnoxious voice line.)

I mean yeah you have annoyotron as your portrait so I can see why you feel that way but most people don’t enjoy “obnoxious voice line” or that stupid grinning face, we all understand this. I just don’t know though, obviously I use it too sometimes