Aggrostone again?

I was looking at the state of the Meta on HSreplay

  1. Beast Hunter 59.57%
  2. Aggro Druid 56.40%
  3. Imp Warlock 55.90%
  4. Murloc Shaman 55.46%
  5. Curse Imp Warlock 54.63%
  6. Mech Paladin 53.40%

5 of the first 6 deck archetypes are aggro to midrange decks. Yes i know, Beast hunter is not a face deck, but a fairly aggressive mid range, with high tempo.
Only curse lock is somewhat controlly deck.

Ladder is dominated with fast tempo deck right now. Perhaps a response to ramp druid or quest priest. Again, no love for control decks.

The only way to beat hunter is to kill them first, hence the fast meta.

Based on the last two years of expansions and nerfs, I don’t have much hope of there ever being a control meta again. If that’s really your jam, this may no longer be your game.

Evryone asks for control meta, until control meta comes and everyone complains about the meta being slow or otk decks being dominant.

We already have 40 health decks, combos that just finish the game, Reno, and a bunch of removal tools, what control lovers dont want is win condition and not evryone is a fan of the onedimensional: “removal removal, I won” playstyle.


i don’t get it. Are you making an argument that control decks shouldn’t exist?

No one is ever happy, no matter what the meta is.
There are only three basic styles in this game.
Aggro Control and Combo.
The rest are all variations on that.
Maybe that is why you are bored.

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Not control decks, control metas.

Control is only interesting when it has some form of gimmick, only removal is just lazy design, only one player is actually interacting.

Just play classic, if u dont use your removals correctly u lose, and u still have a 12 damage grom combo to finish the opponent in the late game.

It isnt just spam removal and win.

Also, u need diverse meta for the game to not feel repetitive and keep each deck in check.

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I hope to god this is true. Barrens Priest meta, once is enough.

Realistically there won’t be “classic” attrition-style control decks as long as Renathal is around. Renathal doesn’t benefit classic control decks that just plays removal from hand for 9 turns. 10 extra health is un-impactful as a control deck when you already run a plethora of removal and health gain. The 9 extra cards just makes it harder to draw your removal. On the flip side, there are now 10 EXTRA threats in midrange decks.

Having said that, if you’re willing to modify how “control” is defined then there are are definitely viable control decks. I’d argue Control Shaman, Quest Priest, XL Spooky Mage, Curse Warlock, Control Paladin are all control-y. Maybe Thief Priest too, but I don’t have much experience with it. Pure removal with value generation or OTK combo is pretty dead. But decks with late-game inevitability are still around. It’s simply that Renathal has heavily incentivized minion play so you need to trade with minions rather than just play removal from hand. Although I would also argue that Priest can still do that pretty well, it’s just not as effective overall with high minion density in XL decks.


Quest priest’s best matchup is aggro

Current control decks are cancer, well except shaman, so…

Blizz understanding of control is nonstop board clear until opponent runs out if cards. Wow so amazing.

I’m shocked Mech Pally is up there. Although I have climbed to legend with it two consecutive seasons now, it is usually slow and requires a precise draw to curve right. It does matchup VERY well against Hunter though. Mech Pally also virtually has zero board clear, something most of those other decks have…which is ludicrous for any aggro deck to even possess…

what cracks me up is exactly what others have pointed out.
When there is an aggro meta players want control.
When it’s control they want aggro or tempo.
They should rename name this game IndecisionStone.
And Priest is the ultimate in control, and everyone complains about it.