The deck running rampant on the ladder isn’t even always colloquially referred to as ‘Dragon Druid’. They call it, for example, ‘Doomkin Druid’, ‘Hybrid Druid’ etc — anything short of ‘That One Druid Deck’…
For instance:
In Standard, Splish-Splash Whelp is now temporarily banned. This is an answer to Hybrid/Tempo/Combo Druid (however you want to call it) that has been all over the ladder for the last couple of weeks.
The same Druid deck seems to have reached its peak popularity and it’s sitting at around 30% play rate in Diamond-Legend (down to ~20% at some ranks and up to almost 40% in Diamond 1).
But alright, there’s also this:
This has changed with a new Druid invention that started gaining traction early this week. Some people call it Hybrid Druid, others Tempo Druid, sometimes even Dragon Druid. The deck is a bit hard to classify, as it’s an interesting mixture of tempo, burn, and even some late-game plays.
So it is a possible way to call it in a way that’s understandable for many players, I guess — I’ll give you that.
Put your face faith in da Light devs, mon! They clearly are very competent, always know what they’re doing and never bungle their job, especially trivial matters, right? Right?
As for the rationale for banning the card in question specifically, I’d suggest the first article linked above (see also this post again for my opinion).
Define ‘most powerful’. Seriously. Preferrably with formulae, all that Bayesian stuff and whatnot, which some adepts of ‘trackers’ seem to not understand at all, blindly believing in a ‘win rate of a card’ (it’s probaly another self-repetition by my… a quick search found this post, for example).
Alright, gimme facts… Not long posts about your personal opinion or those of others.