This game is rigged as hell

Yep, it’s called ‘positive feedback’ (for further reading, one could see this). What’s more, those deck trackers mostly show numbers (supposedly — no one has independently verified their ‘data’, someone might as well just typed in arbitrary figures… It’s not as uncommon as you’d think, considering that only something like twenty to fifty per cent of results from journals such as ‘Nature’ — and that’s a supposedly reputable one, I’m not even taking about someone’s shady commercial project — were found to be reproducible… don’t recall the details and the exact number, it’s been a while… But one could easily do a web search) from the games of their users, rather than the overall player base, so the assumption that this is a representative sample is a… very strong one, to put it mildly — perhaps even more wild than some charlatanic claims that ‘vaccine X protects a man from disease Y with Z efficiency’ (spoiler: ergodicity conjecture, although I doubt many people, except someone like ol’ Boba — where is he, by the way? — would even get it).

By the way, even if we get some actual data from Blizzard (their guy published some for Mercs, when PvP was still a thing), this forum will hardly even be able to interpret it. Hey, some of the most vocal orators here apparently don’t know how to interpret something like ‘the win rate of a card’ — they just think the bigger it is, the better. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


PS My apologies for self-citation, but, as aptly noted above, these forums are quite repetitive.

Come one, go easy on him (or her?) — maybe it’s truly a fifteen-year-old guy with youthful maximalism: ‘Di sientific metod, me learn it from da skul textbuk, me am smart! You stoopid and not educated, know nottin of di world, me enlaiten you all!’ As said (ugh, repetitions again), it’s called ‘youthful maximalism’ and considered normal at some stage.

Ironically, such idolisations of ‘maths’ (typo corrected), ‘science’ are common among novices at best — and quite often among complete laymen, who got no clue how it works, yet firmly believe they ‘follow di science’ and so on in their sheeplike couse of action.