Is it just me or is it looking like a 2 deck meta?

All I’m seeing are druids and handbuff paladin. Occasionally I’ll see something else like rogue or DK. Maybe a mage or priest here and there. But druids and pallies make up most of my matchups and they dominate

No, it’s not just you.

It’s mostly druids, next in popularity was DK in my recent experience.

The article recommends Shopper DH — dunno whether I should return to it (from Naga + Shoppers DH), although it’s not that great anymore, or just drop it and return to doing Mercs bounties or Nathria puzzle for my own fun and entertainment, as opposed to this lousy new meta. :grinning:


I’m mid diamond and all I see is DK. Literally 80% of my games.

Hearthstone has never had a genuine matchmaking - they match you against decks and classes to maintain your winrate. Blizz do this in all their games actually; always have done so.

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I don’t know how that’s possible we have the Genn and Baku we should have 22 decks at least. Weren’t Genn and Baku supposed to take over if they ever returned to Standard?

Shows how powercrept the game has become. Genn and Baku return and hardly anyone bats an eyelid.

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We probably would have seen odd paladin if crusader aura cost 5.

They just don’t have anything to do with the tokens.

The real answer is not that easy. Yes, the powercreep is real but Even Shaman is doing fine in Wild. Genn and Baku have no proper support to build a deck. Only even/odd cards is a heavy restriction and in Standard there is just not enough cards of each type to build a competitive deck.

Of this kind, perhaps?

I’m slightly surprised you haven’t been attacked by resident trolls about this yet. :grinning: They’ve seemingly lived on these forums, sniffing out topics and posts like this to jump in and fulfil what looks like their main purpose, i.e. defend the company and attack ‘conspiracy nuts’.

I’m not sure about the second part, regarding this game in particular — I’m not sure whether they’ve always had the technology.

I’ve written a lot about it (see Zephrys, Optimotron etc), don’t wanna repeat it, so I’ll just leave a link.

As for the first part — dunno either. Are you so sure about Warcraft or Starcraft?

Yeah, especially that famous Genn DH… :smirk: That effect is so overpowered in this class in particular, I can’t believe everyone’s not playing it.

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I see hunter with a egg deck. Infinite 5/2 with rush and play that rhino = 30 damage to face.

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Even Shaman is pretty bad in Wild rn. The latest Tempostorm wild meta snapshot doesn’t even feature the deck.

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but that site mention 5 decks not 2

Fair enough… but it was a prominent deck for last two years or so so it’s high time that deck went away. It was also mind numbingly boring but hey, Wild right?