Imagine that you lived in Europe during or slightly after the time of Christopher Columbus. You’d know that the world is round and that there is a whole new continent for mankind to explore. Let’s assume that you’re ignorant of Native American people, because you probably would be. That new land would be what you imagine as the Great Unknown.
Now let’s consider people in the modern day, thinking about exploration. They probably think about outer space. Their Great Unknown is represented by science fiction like Star Trek, and it too is probably filled with little ignorances that, if we ever do discover intelligent life out there, will also age like milk. But the size of this Great Unknown is so much bigger than the size of the Great Unknown during the age of Columbus.
Yet, if we could somehow put the modern Space X engineer side by side with, I don’t know, let’s pick Amerigo Vespucci, and Amerigo tried to act like he was so smart and knew so much, the modern engineer would be well within his rights to mock him and flex his superior knowledge. Altair is acting as if he wouldn’t be within his rights, but I say no, he absolutely would. It’d be good and right to do so.
Here’s my point: as one’s knowledge increases, BOTH of these effects intensify, simultaneously:
one’s knowledge of how little one knows increases, and
one increasingly realizes that normal people are stupid.
The way to check one’s own ego is to ensure that the second effect is not intensifying faster than the first.
What games does it struggle against? When I look at it, I can’t see how it beats many of the decks. Can you give me a list? I’m sure I could tweak and play with it and try to find a finisher. My problem isn’t with finishers in DK, it’s the surviving.
I don’t know how you can beat out Dragon Druid and Highlander Druid and they are everywhere.
You can play the regular version or the Highlander version. Pretty sure Donkey has all the top versions on Guru. Surviving is the easy part it’s late game the deck has trouble with. All the finisher tools are missing from it because it’s triple Blood. It’s like playing a control Warrior deck without any of their finisher cards.
The one that isn’t highlander you can do some funny things with tidepool and blood to get your health pool pretty high plus stack some armor. The HL vs basically gets you access to Reno and a semi win condition.
To be honest when i played the triple blood version i was always hoping to discover the hero. That would have been enough of a win condition between the dmg and discovery each turn. Either that or Discover Foamrender to just steadily beat them down.
You are running two Hematurges so you can get Horseman from Discovery.
The worst enemies are highroll OTKs and infinite control.
I auto concede against Priest because I hate playing against Reno Priest.
It’s hard to survive against Concierge Druid if they can assemble combo on turn 5 or 6.
But druid generally is fine.
Infinite Zillax Warrior is a roadblock because even tho you have tools to remove those Ziliaxes you need both Corpse Explosion and enough corpses so when they get their fifs round of taunts resurrected you might have a problem.
It is doing great against anything else, especially Handbuff Paladin, all types of DK and Lamplighter Mage is a perfect matchup other than people do not understand when they already lost against you.