Next Patch Theory

Maybe sometimes. Not always. See Exhibit A above.

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Btw, I finally made a change xD

I kicked out 2x Flame Imp and put in 2x Tidepool Pupil and I’m 5-0 currently xD

Might be just a lucky streak, though, we’ll see

True, sometimes. Maybe always if you’re really, really giving your best, which I almost never am. I mean, it’s not really worth it in these chaotic periods where anything goes. It’s only worth it when the meta stabilizes and becomes rock-paper-scissors

Nah, I still disagree. I think that everyone who cares about their piloting skill should be familiar with every netdeck, because no matter what you are playing, knowing what your opponent is playing is a significant strength.


You guys have no idea how right Scr0tieMcB is and it’s VERY surprising you don’t automatically agree with him.

Did you watch the tournament yesterday? Practically ALL the top 4 kept thinking for MINUTES their round …2.

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I agree with this. It is my greatest weakness, tbh.

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If you picture the lowest skill decks in your mind, what you are seeing is not a disproof of what I’m saying, but its ultimate proof. The lowest skill decks are lowest skill precisely because they are predictable. Good players learn them, even though they’re playing something else, and their inflexibility is exploited to undermine the low skill deck, in spite of its raw power. Thus, the vast majority of “low skill” decks are not bad because they can’t utilize knowledge, it’s because their opponents utilize knowledge far better than that deck can. In short, low skill decks are consistent to a fault.

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One thing is for sure, they weren’t thinking about which version of a deck someone is playing xD

Do you know why that’s for sure? Because they knew all their opponents’ decks beforehand and had time to prep for them.

So what Scr0tie said has nothing to do with their thinking about which deck they’re using. What they’re doing is planning ahead, trying to decide how to curve out into the game.

EDIT: 8-0 and counting!

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That’s true.

I slightly disagree. While I think narrowing down the opponent’s deck list is one of the biggest elements of deck knowledge — maybe the biggest, maybe the second biggest — it’s not the entire category of deck knowledge.

It’s a little silly that they give everyone the deck lists like that. Why do that anymore? I know in paper CCG tournaments it used to be an anti cheat measure, but now it’s just anti-skill.

To prevent asymmetric information

If they didn’t, players would spy on each other trying to gain an advantage and tech out against others. Those who managed to do that would have an unfair advantage over those who did not.

This way, it’s all equal. No incentive to spy or something.

The thing is, you wanna play flexible, mixed decks while the meta is unsettled, chaotic, still forming, and you wanna play consistent, specialized decks once the meta is settled and has become a rock-paper-scissor meta.

With flexible decks you don’t need as much information about your opponent, you adapt on the fly.

With consistent, specialized decks, you have to know in advance your win con against that deck, since mulligan.

It’s as easy as that.

And let’s be clear - plain aggro doesn’t work anymore. It doesn’t exist. The game’s too complex for that right now, with too many discovery cards which lose almost no tempo, and give flexibility to otherwise completely monotone playstyles.

You have aggro/combo (Insanity, Naga Shopper DH, Spell Mage), aggro/control (9000 different DK decks, Evolve Shaman) and aggro/tempo decks (Painlock, Flood Pally, Plague DK), and some even more compounded and flexible like sludgelock and Excavate Rogue, that can also become full-blown control with many different win cons.

I’m not playing this deck without a reason. I like flexibility and I despise repetition.

If I wanted to play repetitive decks, I’d play Token Hunter, Handbuff Pally or Insanity Warlock.

INFERNAL! being nerfed to 12 health instead of 15 would be a sizable hit, Also maybe a mana nerf to Imprisoned Horror? I really don’t think it needs that sizable of nerfs considering how horrid it is against burn decks.




Exactly xD

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Nobody told you that. You keep making strawman arguments.

I guess we know why you can’t escape garbage legend.

I personally think it’d be more interesting with an espionage element. But I guess I can see how that could be pushed too far


Well he keeps bragging about his Legend rank. And he claims others on lower ranks are beneath him and he’s here to teach them.

He plays for 8 hours a day and he’s not top 100 yet; something is off; maybe he has more to learn than he thinks.

He just wanted to bait me into flexing my rank again, something like:

“What do you mean garbage ranks? I’m rank 239”

There. I did it. You happy?

And what gives you the right to claim others are beneath you and you’re here only to teach them? That attitude is an indication you have way more to learn than you think, especially since you play for 8 hours a day which is much more than others on higher ranks.

And what gives you the right?

Never said something like that

Never said that. I said I was teaching at that point in time, in that thread, or in general. I never said it’s the only thing I’m here for.

I’m here to socialize, exchange experiences and news and ideas and to possibly learn something, but I also like teaching, and I figured, I can’t learn much until the rest of the forum gets better, so let’s help them get better.

I don’t like the fact that I have to correct you, but I do, because you are very loud and pretentious in posting misinformation (among other things). You don’t have to learn anything from me, but if you’re going to keep attacking me for no objective reason, I recommend you to put me on Ignore and we will both save ourselves some trouble.

What an interesting claim. I am under the impression that you think yourself infallible and omniscient.

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