We should call Constructed the "Netdeck" game

It’s not even about being smarter, it’s about having some weird, conceptual thinking skills, probably honed by years of deckbuilding

I suppose it’s the right side of the brain, rather than left, in question

In any case, it was clear to me from the first time I tried to build a deck that it requires skills I’m not willing to hone

You build a deck, notice your winrate is 25-30%, you compare your deck to netdecks from the same class and you don’t understand why most of the cards are in it, and that’s when you have to realize two things:

a) I’m not a talent for deckbuilding. If I want to become good at it, I have to practice it for years, and
b) I suck at this game, as I don’t even understand why best decks contain most of the cards they contain.

And that’s when you need to get humble, appreciate the deckbuilders and never, ever say in public:

“Homebrew decks are the only decks I count, and if you just netdeck someone else’s deck, your rank doesn’t count”.

Because it’s embarassing to say that in front of anyone who’s ever tried to build a working deck and understands why it’s hard.