vS Data Reaper Report #302

That’s you claiming the same thing a week ago

That’s me replying with 4 examples of being fallible and admitting it, all posted in the same 24 hours. I do it all the time.

But of course I’m not going to admit it when I have proof to the contrary. Which you and Scyhla can’t possible have, because I have them.

And now, this is you being dishonest again.

It’s funny, how people who are dishonest have the need to constantly brag about being honest.

Oh, there was one cute little thread where you claimed you had proof the game was rigged xD

hahahaha I’m sooo sad I can’t find that one xD Damn, bro, how blatantly transparent you can be xD

P.S. It gets so lonely when I’m the only one posting proofs. Are you guys just gonna keep throwing empty accusations, or are you gonna find some proof?

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