Hearthstone Masters Tour

How else?

You need 2 rank 10 finishes in a row to even have a chance to qualify, but mostly one of those finishes also has to be a top 3 finish.

Maur1 was rank 1 last month on EU server
Superman was rank 3 last month on EU, rank 1 on EU 2 months ago
Maxiebon was rank 2 on APAC last month
gyu was rank 1 on America last month
Jarla was rank 6 on APAC last month, rank 3 on America 2 months ago, and had top 5 finishes on all servers in both months
Incurro was rank 1 on America 2 months ago and top 3 finishes on every server last month
Furyhunter is a guy with most rank 1 finishes in whole history. You haven’t seen an egomaniac before in your life if you haven’t seen him talk. I’m humble compared to him.

These are the beasts and you can only play against them once you hit like rank 50 or something, depending on the day of the season, because their MMR is so high they might as well be playing a different game.

I’ve consistently ended up top 200 for months, and I’ve only played against GamerRVG once and lost and against Photon twice, and lost both times. I’ve played against MeSmile many times, because he’s not that good as the others, he must have highrolled his way into the tournament, but the rest of them are literally on another level.

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