Am I the only one here who thinks one should actually use one’s own brain instead of netdecking immediately? 
Oh, and why am I reaching relatively high ranks in the legend area regularly (although Classic is mostly for doing those pesky weekly quests for me nowadays plus some occasional games) without all that SMOrc stuff mentioned above (and no, I’m not gonna post my deck lists)? What’s more, when Classic was launched, people were still discovering archetypes such as face shaman that were largely unknown back in the day. I wouldn’t be surpsised if something else could be found… if more people actually used their brains at least a bit, which isn’t at all trendy nowadays.
But then again, without the nostalgia factor, as said above, I’m not sure whether I would definitely recommend even this mode of traditional Hearthstone.
Which are actually not that good at all — a whole level below best-performing decks, just like a few others mentioned above.
As said, gold or real money doesn’t help that much.
So? Is that the ultimate truth in the universe or what?
The mode is far from problem-free (although it has seen major improvements), but quite fun from a puzzle-solving perspective, now also free from luck-based outcomes in PvE since the player always wins speed ties (so the order is deterministic, apart from some special cases) and F2P-friendly — in fact, as I must have said somewhere else, it’s even more fun this way than ‘whaling’.
Re Standard and all that — one more interesting point: the era of Ben Brode, who was (in)famous for his maniacal bellowing laughter (‘Bwahaha!’) and design solutions consistent with this kind of behaviour, some questions having been raised about possible… sources of inspiration, is considered by some in the community to be the golden era of Hearthstone — and that should tell you something. Nowadays we’re regularly seing controversial design choices not even he would consider making. I haven’t got access to the numbers or data, but it might have actually been Battlegrounds that’s been the most popular mode for some time — which has been made P2W recently, btw.