Whats your Top 5 Most Hated Card?

  1. Your favorite card
  2. Your second favorite card
  3. Your third favorite card
  4. Your 4th favorite card
  5. I don’t even hate 5 cards

Dirty Rat

burden of pride
any other card with that angle of a troll face

I really hate Mana Drain! That’s why I play it in all of my blue decks.

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pretty much all of my most hated cards are druid’s mana cheat BS and ofc sire D, THE most feelsbad card of all.

Well, my most “hated” list doesn’t really line up with what cards I think are “problematic”. But probably:

  1. Warlock Quest
  2. Hunter Quest
  3. Mage Quest
  4. Tickatus
  5. Celestial Alignment

Honorable Mention: Shockspitter (The new 2 drop hunter beast that scales off your hero attacks.)

My most hated card was the mage quest that is all most stuff doesn’t bother me that much.

Convincing infiltrator is definitely up on my list

There’ve been many, hard to remember all of them after all those years (I retired during Un’Goro, returned only for Classic, which I play now).

It’s hard to make a list even from the current Classic set, which I still play, but some notable ones are:

  1. Gadgetzan Auctioneer
  2. Doomguard
  3. Knife Juggler
  4. Dark Iron Dwarf
  5. Harrison Jones

Some other contenders from Wild sets include:

  1. Nerubian Egg
  2. Haunted Creeper
  3. Patches the Pirate
  4. Most of those mechs, apart from Antique Healbot
  5. Mysterious Challenger

I could go on…

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There, I made this a little more honest! :joy:

Denathrius, Shockspitter, Zephris, Brann, Guff

Oh, yeah, also Tunnel Troggs, 4 mana 7-7s and so on… Of course, it’s probably funny compared to modern day’s offenders.

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yet the #1 problem is the enabler of all the toxicity… Brann Bronzebeard

you forgot Tikatus and gnomeferatus

Ha, you’d think The League of Explorers, which introduced him originally, would be remembered for Brann, Elise and all the cool new (back in the day) stuff — yet it was mostly, apart from Reno, perhaps, aggro trash like those troggs, Dark Peddlers and Tomb Pillagers. Brann was actually cool back then.

Denathrius sees the irony. Do you?

Dirty Rat was a thing before anyone even knew Denathrius existed. :grinning:

Yeah, here I go with my old-timer’s grumblings again.

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but people basically loved dirty rat back in the day mostly to try and snipe Reno or one of the highlander legendaries.

the only class that stole cards was priest and priest was mostly bad so no one cared.

now you have couple of classes that steal cards… and much bigger 1-card centric win conditions. sniping a loaded Denathrius is back breaking… especially when you get their copy out of heir hand along with having your own copy.

not to mention all the quest rewards you can steal and ruin peoples entire deck

team five has created a bit of a toxicity in their gameplay… disruption is good to have… but when there’s so many cards in decks that are game breaking it creates a really frustrating experience.


That’s a very bold statement. :grinning: And, of course, somewhat subjective, too.

It didn’t technically ‘steal’ them — it copied. Rogue, if memory serves, had some tricks like this, too.

Actually, I’ve heard they’ve gone against everything the game design stood for previously with this — not even Ben Brode, (in)famous for his maniacal bellowing laughter (‘BWAHAHA!’) and design solutions consistent with this kind of behaviour (yeah, I’m self-plagiarising here a bit), would implement such things (messing with cards in your opponent’s hand and so on) back then, because they wouldn’t be considered fun. I believe Old Guardian had a detailed video about it (the game design), those interested could watch it.

  1. Renathal
  2. Renathal
  3. Hero Cards
  4. Hero Cards
  5. Kazakusan. It would have been a cool card if it didn’t have broken AOE and wasn’t deleted through the 4 Dragons Requirement. Although now there is so much Disruption in the game that it would lead to dumb gameplay based around trying to disruption-snipe it because it’s a Single Card Target worth 11 cards and 4+ winconditions .

I hate Renathal and Hero Cards.

They both multiply each others power too so thats super annoying.

Deleting Renathal makes Hero Cards less annoying.

Deleting Hero Cards makes Renathal less annoying. I don’t even care about HeroCardLess Blood Death Knights at all, they are weak.

Still, playing against 40 Health 40 Card decks is tedious and less fun to play as/against.