Please bring back Classic mode


I think it was already discussed at some point… Moreover, even serious attempts at delivering ‘nEw CoNtEnT’ :crazy_face: to it have failed, for example, I’ve found this piece by me:

Haven’t readily found the post referred to in the previous paragraph yet, but in short, those self-annointed (sic) forum experts typically understand very little of the ‘meta’ — as usual, since they generally understand very little. :grinning: By the way, conversing with some of them is probably your biggest mistake.

PS Maybe something along these lines: Classic - Every opponent is a Warlock - #5 by SparkyElf-2852 and so on.

Yep, one of, if you ask me.

For example: Is Classic still worth it? - #5 by SparkyElf-2852, Reason I don't want to quit Hearthstone - #20 by SparkyElf-2852, New player: Which format do you play, most favor, and why? - #5 by SparkyElf-2852, Why is there no classic mode? It's the only good mode? - #6 by SparkyElf-2852 (again) etc (?).

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