[Ben Brode : Blizzard] 2:0

Big Daddy Ben won again the mobile game award. congrats ben


Congrats to Brode.
That said, Marvel Snap really hasnt been much interest to me after playing it for a little while. It has very basic gameplay and no real strategy that I can see other than which order to play cards and in which stream so the accolade above is a bit of a surprise.
But in any case it is clearly doing well, so it must be doing something right.

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While Marvel Snap is not a replacement for Hearthstone, but I do currently enjoy playing it casually because:

1). MS has a very fair matchmaking system, which incorporates your collection level into its algorithm, so you tend to play against other players who have made similar progress as yourself.

2). Games are fast, so it’s easy to clear your missions in a short period of time.

I play more when there is a featured or hot location (which means it has a 40 or 60 percent chance to appear more often in a match, respectively) that has an interesting effect, making the location worthy of building a deck around to take advantage of it.

Marvel Snap was released back in October as a very functional and playable game, but there are a lot obvious improvements that can be made to it.

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I’m not a big fan of self-citation, but I guess I’ve gotta do it for once:

So this is not surprising.

I can hardly say Ben Brode is a phenomenal designer, and his philosophy about all that infamous randomness and such, as far as I’m aware, seems strange to me, but I guess he just wins by comparison, that’s possibly why some in the HS community remember him so fondly — and subjective perceptions might change over time, that’s why some memories about ‘good old days’ and the like, which sometimes seem better retrospectively than they really were, might not reflect the most objective picture.

What is ‘Marvel Snap’, anyway? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

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HS sounds so familiar :rofl:

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Not to point out the obvious, but if you dislike HS so much, why are you even here? Does Marvel Snap not even have their own forum yet? :smirk:


It’s really bad compared to this tbf

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Marvel Snap is a collectible card game based on Marvel heroes and villains, which does not involve opening packs to unlock cards.

Cards have costs (energy) to play them and a power value (typically 0-20) that is used to calculate who is winning at a particular location.

Players build a twelve card deck from their collection of cards and use their cards to win locations by having the highest cumulative power score at that location. The goal is to win at least two of the three locations to win the match.

Locations have special effects that can impact a match, like “After turn 4, whoever is winning here draws 2 cards” or “When you play a card here, fill this location with copies of it.”

Cards can also have types and special abilities.

On turn 1, players have 1 energy to spend, 2 energy on turn 2, etc., like mana in Hearthstone. A match ends on turn 6 normally, unless an effect decreases or adds turns.

Basically, players use their cards to fight over three lanes with the goal of having the most power in two of them when the match ends in order to obtain a victory.

:slight_smile: The Marvel Snap forums are terrible. I started to compile a list of suggestions for improving the game, but when I went to their forums, I decided not to bother with posting them.


Who said i dislike hs? :smirk:

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lol, rigged. She Literally handed him the award as he was right to her side waiting for her to say it. I don’t know… well unless the arena was so small that his seat was literally off to the side of the camera. :slight_smile: I’ve never seen someone get an award where they were right next to the announcer waiting for them to say it.

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Why are you there promoting this instead of playing it ? lel

Marvel Snap is a joke compared to HS. Maybe in 10 years and 50 millions of $ injected into production.

Till then, who cares ?

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MS is a joke omg… go to the MS forum.

Just wanted to sum up my take on Marvel Snap for anyone that was curious about the game, now that I have played MS enough to form some opinions.

1). The game can be played with a very casual approach by just focusing on completing missions and spending gold to renew missions, and still reach past Rank 50 each month before the ranks get reset.

2). MS is too simple of a game to be an adequate replacement for Hearthstone for most HS players.

3). 12 card decks (with no kind of mulligan) and 6 turns really limits the amount of strategy that can be employed during a match.

4). Too many matches are determined by RNG, and this problem is likely only going to get worse as MS develops, because it’s designed by the same devs that advocated for so much RNG in Hearthstone’s development.

5). With decks being so small and games being so short, the featured card that comes with purchasing the Season Pass often gives P2P players a very significant advantage over F2P players.

For these reasons, I decided to discontinue playing MS after trying the game for 3+ months.