[Chromebook] Game Freezing after patch

Same issue trying to play on a Chromebook. Thought it was just me. Rebooted, cleared cache, even re-installed HS. Same result every time.


Same here.

Most recent patch (16.4) renders the game unplayable on my Chromebook (HP 360 x14). Chrome OS 80.0.3987.89 (Platform version: 12739.60.0). Game permanently hangs on loading screen. Tried uninstalling and reinstalling - no dice.

Strangely enough, it works just fine on my original Pixel XL. Only difference is the ‘flavor’ of Android (phone vs. ChromeOS) and the fact that my phone’s HS client is linked to the Amazon App Store, while my Chromebook is linked to Blizzard.

Also, great customer service - I tried posting the same above and the resolution was “post here in the forum, maybe the community will be able to solve your problem!”


Same here on a brand new Chromebook Acer 714.


Just here to echo the same issue on chromebook.


Same issue here with Samsung Chromebook Pro.


SAme problem for my iPad. I updated the game but the is not opening not.


Same here on Google slate. Did a full power wipe and got the same result


Same on my new HP 2 in 1 Chromebook.

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Same on Pixelbook (Thursday Feb 27 2020)

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Yep + 1, same problem… Any admin to help us playing ??

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#metoo (need to write 20 chars)

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Acer Chromebook 15, same issue, 4 days in. completely unacceptable.

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Samething occurs on my lenovo chromebook

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Same here on asus c434 chromebook. Re installed the game 4 times now and even did a powerwash.

Same here, multiple reinstalls and reboots. Still hangs. Google Pixelbook

Samething occurs now for chromebooks, haven’t been able to play for days.

Thank you for your reports! This issue ties in with the known Android thread here. While some chromebooks do have Google Play available, ChromeOS is not officially supported by Blizzard. Ultimately though, it will behave like an Android device, since the downloads are through the same GooglePlay system as Androids.

Keeping this separate from the Android thread, but any new updates will be available on the main thread linked above.

Fellow Chromebook user here:
It is really annoying that Blizzard seems largely indifferent to Chromebook users. I have recommended to them that they allow running in the background. There used to be an option in chromeOS to allow parallel running of tasks but now that has to be handled at the app level. you need to keep the visible task running when losing focus, Chromebooks are now able to run android apps so if they support Android then they pretty much support ChromeOS.

Blizzard - Please just give the end-user an option to allow this app to continue running in the background or in parallel with other android tasks.

[Edited by Blizzard] For suggestions, please refer to the #community-discussion forums. This thread has been inactive for some time. Please be mindful of resurrecting older threads. A new or more recent thread can be created to continue the discussion. Locking this thread.