Blizzard should compensate owners of Classic set cards

Blizzard is a company that sells products and since the creation of Standard and Wild modes they have been selling Classic packs saying that they will always be part of the Standard set. When that was not the case, the cards being removed were Hall of Famed and owners of these cards were compensated with a full dust refund. With the upcoming changes the entirety of the Classic set is compromised, some cards will be available for Standard this year and others in the years to come. It is only logical and fair to compensate owners of these cards for breaking their side of the trade, after purchases have occurred, as they have been doing already. Either being acquired with money or gold, they are both currencies the company accepts payments with and they are both currencies that require time to be obtained, time that cannot be returned to the players. The current playerbase investments must be respected. The free cards are not permanently added to our collection, they are loaned copies that will rotate in and out each year, so we do not get to disenchant these extra copies even for the 1:4 dust ratio. The Core set, as introduced at the moment, is great for new players (and I am happy they are giving free cards to new players because they are absolutely necessary to the game) but for all kind of old players (f2p, budget, whales) it is a violation to their Classic packs purchases and makes the game more expensive since there will be no more Hall of Fame dust at the start of each Hearthstone year.

Edit: New viewers who agree, drop a comment bellow in order to keep the Topic relevant for more people to see.


You don’t ‘own’ the cards… Have a look at the fine print


When the classic packs were bought they were sold under the claim that they were giving cards part of the evergreen set of the game. If it’s not the case and classic is just a temporary set like any other, then those packs were sold under false advertising and mislead the players into spending time or actual money in the game.

Regarding the platform they can actually do anything with it if they wish and yes you don’t ‘‘own’’ anything, but they, and as far as I know any other business as well, aren’t allowed to sale any form of content using false claims.

The issue is that Blizzard doesn’t want to follow the rule on this one and HoF the cards with a full refund like they previously did because they want people to buy more of the new stuff, and obviously they think they can get away with it.


They will get away with it. Sure, there will probably be some angry mobs boycotting, but you know what they say: “Silence is golden”.


My opinion about. Excluding the two “noob” promos, where the first it came a random legendary and 20 classic packs and the second it came a random dragon legendary and 20 classic packs.

It would be good faith, if they let the player who bought, using real money, classic packs broken dust riches.

Who used gold … let’s agree, when you spend hours playing a game, you aren’t having a job, you are having fun.

I always thought the idea of opening card packs was a deceitful way to sell the cards, since the cards can be altered. They are sold like they are meant to be owned, but treated like they are a loaned portion of the game. What they should be doing is selling the cards as ACCESS to the cards. Not actually owning any cards. There should be no collection, but access to the use of cards. This would a be more forthright and honest way to represent the sale of them. And should the cards be changed or limited in use later, then you could get access to another card of the same rarity. Whether the payment would be recurring to retain access or a one time payment is a different topic. But, I always did think they were marketing the cards using false representation.

the compensation is that you get an entirely free core set with 235 cards, every year


The compensation is that “everyone” gets an entirely free core set with 235 cards, every year.

Your current classic set, is essentially rotated out, as the coreset cards will be representations of the 2014 versions. You’ll have 2+ of the same card, but with different text.

If you already own the cards you do not get any value out of this set. The 235 free temporary copies of the Core set have an actual use only by those who do not own them.


you get the entire core set regardless if you have it or not. your cards you already have is also usable for classic mode. but sure, lets have blizzard give compensation to you and instead charge everyone for core set :slight_smile:


I never asked for a charge on the Core set but apparently you are here to flame/troll since you do not even bother to read the post.


This is how I see it.

  1. They had never owe us anything. If they gave us refunds in the past, it was because of courtesy

  2. The change is SUPER GOOD both gameplay wise and ingame economic wise. So it is better for us to have it rather than not having it

  3. The change has a side effect. But, in order for them to make up for that side effect in a fair way for everybody, that would mean to give an exagerated amount of dust to all of us. And even if it is good for us, I can see how it is too much for the company.

  4. All the above 1+2+3. They dont have the need to refund us, refunding us would mean to give us way too much, and the change it self is already giving us a lot and it is good.

Basically in this case people should be comprehensive. And this is one rare case in were “the end justifies the means”


I love these lists…

  1. Blizzard has historically, in all situations, given full dust refunds of cards that rotate. But this is a whole set.
  2. This change is better for all players. Though, for those that have been collecting classic set for years, and for those that have completed the classic set after MANY years, have wasted there time, and possibly money on an EVERGREEN set.
  3. This side effect is called set rotations. It seems Classic is not Evergreen anymore. A full dust refund makes complete sense especially when it was advertised as an Evergreen set.
  4. The change isn’t giving anyone anything. These are limited content patches that last a year, that everyone gets. It isn’t even in your collection. I see this more of just limited game content that expires after a year.

The whole reason for Hall of Fame was JUST that. To move classic cards out of rotation, so there can be more design space for sets in the future. Why aren’t they just doing THAT instead of ruining veteran players collections.

It’s obvious they want new people and people that started playing recently to play the game, so this update is for them, and them only. They should absolutely be compensating there core player base.


thats a lie
you get the temporary cards too meaning if you disenchant any of the copies you own you still can play using the temporary one from the core set


And when rotation of the Core set happens and you do not get the cards you disenchanted back then you lost them. And if those cards become relevant to other modes (Wild, Classic, Duels, new mode, etc) you have to craft them again for full dust value. The Core set free cards are irrelevant to those who already own the cards, so they do not count as any form of compensation.

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They historically have never done a change as big as this one though.

Classic is still an evergreen"set, all sets are evergreen sets, as long as we have wild. They are not taking anything from anyone, if we dont want to acknowledge wild as a place to use our cards, then thats on us.

It is not limited content, it is a permanent acces to a set of cards that will be refresh every single year.

They are not ruining anyones collection. Your collection will still be there. And why they are doing it in this way? Because it is a grate thing to do.


…No. An Evergreen set is a set that can be used in standard, indefinitely. Current evergreen sets are Basic and Classic. Also, I don’t play Wild. Though, I like keeping my collection, which is nice. But the problem here is that I INTENTIONALLY crafted cards from classic set, and bought classic packs to grow that collection. This is completely wasted, as this update gives EVERYONE those cards.

I had to waste dust to make these cards, and wasted gold on packs as well. The classic set was always meant to be evergreen, so my decision to invest in these packs was essential, and smart. Now that has changed, without compensation, and now I’m left with a near complete dead set, that was always meant to be playable in standard.


Ok. What i mean is that when they created standard it never meant that we were going to lose cards, because wild have always been there for us to have a place to use all our cards.

No, they are not giving those cards to everybody. They are giving us acces to the core set. Your classic cards still have a value and form part of your colection.

Most of the set was dead anyway. And as I said, as long as we have wild mode, we cant say that they are taking our cards or making them unplayable.

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incorrect, they have only given full dust for hall of fame. for sets rotating to wild there hasnt been any extra compensation


Miss the part where I said I don’t play Wild? I purposefully used my gold and dust to craft classic cards.

Let me rephrase. “This is completely wasted, as this update gives EVERYONE a borrowed copy of those cards.” better?

Most of all sets are dead. Though, as new sets release and sets rotate, classic and basic cards may be used again. This is the purpose of evergreen sets. I will agree there are staple cards in basic/classic that will always be used, but this was the purpose of Hall of Fame.