Core set patch - WHERE'S MY DUST?

I had grommash hellscream before the new changes (classic legendary) (and craftable). All of a sudden my grommash is now an uncraftable legendary which I have for free as part of the core set. So I seem to have just lost a potential 400 dust - this doesn’t seem right. Same goes for my King Krush etc.; is there anything you can do about this?

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Try looking for him in Classic or Wild mode - the old ‘Classic’ copy will be in there that you can dust if you want to. The copies you are talking about are the ‘Core’ versions (which show up in Standard and Wild) which you can’t dust. All very confusing…

Just to clarify; Classic mode should just show the ‘Classic’ version (the original ones you crafted), Wild will show ‘Core’ and ‘Classic’ versions, and Standard just shows the ‘Core’ version.


All the this. It’s kind of a weird system.

But you absolutely can dust your classic Core-Set legendaries if you want to, I did my old Baron Rivendare to make my Mozaki for this meta.

thanks everyone for that.
so what’s the point of keeping my classics if I anyway have them in core?
for if the core gets revolved again?

Thanks The Replay - Classic and Core are separate formats now. I think a lot of the confusion comes from the old set being called Classic - and some of those cards have now appeared in ‘Core’. But you cannot dust the ‘Core’ copies of these Classic cards. Only the ‘Classic’ copies of Classic cards.

The only benefit to keeping the ‘Classic’ copies is if you want to play ‘Classic Mode’ (as Core cards are not allowed). It is basically a Hearthstone reset - no expansion cards allowed. Some people seem to like it - I think it’s just Blizzard trying to cash in on new players - forcing them to craft/buy ‘Classic Packs’.

The other reason to keep them could be because of future nerfs - for which you would then get a full dust refund (like with the ‘Classic’ version of Ysera at the moment). That said - sitting on the entire ‘Classic’ Set on the off chance you might get a nerf - is a bit like having all your money tied up in a 0% interest account, in the hope that one day the interest rates go up and you can make something on your collection.

I agree though - I think it was a really underhanded move by Blizzard to make the entire set worthless in Standard play overnight and offer no kind of apology or refund. I don’t want to play ‘Classic Hearthstone’ and as you say - everybody got the Core Set - so it doesn’t count as any kind of compensation.

There is a full thread where we have hashed out all of these arguments: -


Great. thank you. I hope they compensate.