Blizzard should compensate owners of Classic set cards

all the rotating cards will be disenchantable if you had read the faq they included with the introduction to core set

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If they compensate one thing they have to compensate all of it. If not it would be truly unfair. And as I said compensateing all of it would be too much.

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Yeah, misworded. I meant to say ā€œBut this is a whole set that is meant to be evergreenā€. My other replies have more description on what I mean.

From the FAQ,

Are there any dust refunds associated with this?

  • No. We are rotating Basic and Classic to Wild just like other card sets that have moved to Wild in the past, and providing the new Core Set for free. No cards in Standard or Wild are being nerfed.

I like keeping old cards. I donā€™t disenchant old sets.

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if you continue reading:

Can I disenchant Classic format/Legacy cards?

  • Yes, Classic format/Legacy cards can be disenchanted. But as stated in the answer above, Classic format and Legacy versions of a card are not duplicates of each other; if you disenchant Leeroy Jenkins, heā€™ll be gone from both your Classic format Collection and Legacy.
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Disenchanting a card of your collection at 1:4 dust ratio is no compensation of any form.


its the exact same as every wild rotation in the games history, in addition you this time get a core set for free


Like, I get what theyā€™re saying. But classic and basic set are far different from expansions. These sets were designed, tailored, and advertised as Evergreen sets. These are cards that have been collected over YEEEEEEEEARS, and some/most have used resources (dust/gold/money) ensuring they have a complete collection, so that each standard rotation would be an easy transition.

This is not the case anymore. The intention to have everyone on the same playing field each new year, is a good idea. But because of this, those that have collected are literally ignored. ESPECIALLY for those that donā€™t dust, or donā€™t play wild.


read everything again.

Basic and Classic cards will join Wild in the form of a card set named ā€œLegacyā€.

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The Classic set was never treated or advertised as an expansion set.


I totally understand.

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Basic cards will remain of the Free variety so there will be no dust for disenchanting them:

UPDATE: Itā€™s the few cards that previously went from Basic ā†’ Hall of Fame that will be ā€˜Commonā€™, not all Basic cards. The others will remain Free rarity, as before.
Apologies for the confusion there!

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Agreed. I would not have crafted bloodmage Thalnos or Gruul (dont ask) if I knew they would be banished to wild.


I have put my thoughts and feelings forward on the previous thread ā€˜Introducing the Core Set and Classic Formatā€™ā€¦

For the sake of trying to keep that information in one thread Iā€™ll repost some of the arguments here:

As per a previous quote - Classic cards were created/advertised as cards that would remain in Standard. Therefore - if game creators are now going back on their word - they are effectively in breach of tradeā€™s description surelyā€¦?

They sold a product on the understanding it would remain part of play in Standard. Players bought their product and built a collection. They are now making a number of those cards defunct. Therefore we have been mis-sold a product and should be entitled to a full refund.

We should not be forced into playing a particular format as some have suggested (e.g. Classic or Wild) if those are not formats we currently enjoy playing or wish to try. The argument as to whether we own cards or not is also irrelevant. The Classic Card packs were sold as a permanent part of the Standard format - I would never have spent all of that money, dust and time on building that collection if I had known it was going to be rotated out.


My other post went into the legalities of Blizzardā€™s marketing - questioning whether they have actually misled consumersā€¦

Ok so I have done some digging around in Consumer Law:

The Trade Descriptions Act 1968 made it an offence for businesses or salespeople to sell a product or service based on misinformation. The Act forced them to be more truthful about their service or product and not deliberately mislead consumers into spending their money on a false claim.

The Tradeā€™s Description Act has largely been replaced by ā€˜The Consumer Protection from Unfair Trading Regulations 2008ā€™. This was introduced to prevent traders in all sectors from engaging in unfair commercial practices against consumers, with a primary focus on marketing and selling.

Under this law - misleading actions and omissions are covered. A misleading action may be 'not including the benefits or risk of a productā€™. It goes on to state, ā€™ a trader is in breach of the regulations if they omit or hide information from the consumer as they are considering a purchase. Another breach would be if the trader offers information that is unclear, ambiguous or intelligible. These omissions may lead the consumer to make a misinformed decisionā€™.

Now I am no lawyer - but I would say we have a pretty good case there. Had I known what I know now - I would not have invested money in purchasing all of those packs to obtain a golden collection.

So before people start hating on us for complaining - this is actually potentially pretty serious - and possibly even backed by law. And before people cry out ā€˜itā€™s just a gameā€™ā€¦ It happens to be a game I have invested Ā£1000s in over the years - and I am prepared to defend that investment.


I am pretty sure that most digital things are fully covered from this kind of things when we click in the ā€œagree to terms and conditionsā€.

Did you now that Steam can take your games if they want to. Or Xbox, PS and Nintendo can mess with your console if they feel the right to do it.


Over in the UK (I am sure other countries are governed by similar laws) we have a Citizenā€™s Advice Bureau - and part of their role is to look at trading standards of companies to ensure they are not breaking any laws (that is where I got my information from).

Just because a product is digital - it does not and should not exempt companies from abiding to fair and just trading practices. I am simply questioning if Blizzard/Activision are abiding by these Laws. If they are they have nothing to worry about. I would rather let somebody with legal background make that call - but I am well within my rights to ask the question.


ā€œim no lawyerā€ and quoting legal texts, name a more iconic duo. especially when the person deliberately excludes what you agreed to in the terms of service

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ā€¦ and what did I agree to in terms of service - please quote them - show me where it states they are legally entitled to sell a product by advertising it in a misleading manner. I wonā€™t hold my breath waiting for that oneā€¦