In addition to a description of the bug you are reporting, please provide:
Device Type:pc portable
Device Model:msi
Device Operating System:windows 11
Diablo Immortal App Version:strong text
This is now your sixth thread on exactly the same subject…
January 21st…
January 21st…
February 14th…
February 25th…
March 2nd…
- No-one knows what this “line 11” thing is.
- You’ve been asked, in each of those threads, to provide a screenshot of whatever the issue is.
- You have not done so in any of those threads
- You keep making new threads about it
No-one can help you because no-one understands what the problem is and you won’t post a screenshot that would let people see the problem.
Please, either post a screenshot, or a proper description of what the problem is, or stop making duplicate threads.
Creating Duplicate Threads
This category includes:
- Creating threads about existing topics
- Creating a separate thread about an existing topic for further discussion in more than one forum
If a player is found to have participated in such actions, they will:
- Be given a temporary ban from the forums, depending upon severity
bonjour ne n’arrive pas a vous joindre le lien cela me met un message d’erreur
Multiplication de sujets identiques
Cette catégorie comprend
- CrĂ©ation de sujets pour parler de sujets qui existent dĂ©jĂ
- CrĂ©er un autre sujet sur un autre forum ou plus, alors qu’un sujet existe dĂ©jĂ
Si les actions d’un joueur sur les forums correspondent à une telle activité, le compte :
- Sera suspendu de manière temporaire, en fonction de la gravité de la situation
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