Ligne 11 dans les messages

Bonjour je vous avait deja contacter pour un probleme de ligne 11 en rouge sur mon perso dralkens1 cette fois ci j’ai le meme soucis sur mon autre perso tempete malvinia ou ce soir est apparu la ligne 11 et je n’ai que 10 % d’or et d’xp merci de me venir en aide j’ai egalement le meme soucis avec mon sorcier malvor1 que je viens de ressuciter


    1. List item


Google Translate gives us this…

Hello, I had already contacted you for a problem with line 11 in red on my character dralkens1, this time I have the same problem on my other character tempete malvinia where this evening line 11 appeared and I only have 10% gold and xp thank you for helping me I also have the same problem with my sorcerer malvor1 that I have just resurrected

You already have two existing threads about this…

You’ve been responded to, been asked for screenshots of what the problem is (because no-one has any idea what this “level 11” thing is), been given instructions on how to take a screenshot, been told what folder the screenshots can be found in and been provided with instructions on how to provide links to the screenshots. What you have not done, however, is actually provide a screenshot or an explanation of what this “line 11” thing is so no-one has any idea as to how to help you.

There’s no point creating multiple threads about this if you won’t provide information in any of them about what the problem is.


Creating Duplicate Threads

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  • Creating threads about existing topics
  • Creating a separate thread about an existing topic for further discussion in more than one forum

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