Marre de ce bogue suite a une maj ligne 11 plus que 10% dor

je refais un rapport car je n’ai toujours pas eu de reponse et cela commence a durer depuis que j’ai eu cette ligne 11 dans les messsages j’ai reussi a l’enleve mais je ne touche que 10% d’or sur les moobs primes donjon c’est fatiguant je ne peux plus ameliore mes objets entre le farm des compo et le farm d’or c’est in fernal et j’ai un autre membre de mon clan qui a le meme probleme que moi merci de faire quelques chose rapidement merci

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Google Translate gives us this…

I’m making a report because I still haven’t had a response and it’s starting to last since I had this line 11 in the messages I managed to remove it but I only get 10% gold on the dungeon prime moobs it’s tiring I can’t improve my items anymore between farming the compo and farming gold it’s hell and I have another member of my clan who has the same problem as me please do something quickly thank you

You’ve already made four previous threads about this…

January 21st…

January 21st…

February 14th…

February 25th…

In those threads, you received responses advising that no-one has the first clue what this “line 11” thing is and asking you to provide screenshots. The responses included links to my thread that gives step–by-step instructions on how to post such links on the forum.

In none of these threads have you actually done this.

No-one can even suggest a solution, or confirm if what you’re reporting is actually a bug, because no-one knows what you’re actually reporting. Please, provide a screenshot of whatever this is about. Here are the instructions, again, for how to do this…

And, also, stop making more threads about the same thing…

Creating Duplicate Threads

This category includes:

  • Creating threads about existing topics
  • Creating a separate thread about an existing topic for further discussion in more than one forum

If a player is found to have participated in such actions, they will:

  • Be given a temporary ban from the forums, depending upon severity

j’ai reussi a creer une url mais quand je la joint j’ai un message d’erreur comme quoi je peux pas transmettre de lien url
Diablo Immortal App Version:

mettre du texte préformaté

Google Translate gives us this…

I managed to create a url but when I attach it I have an error message saying that I can’t transmit a url link

In the post, immediately before your reply, and in multiple of your other threads you’ve reported this in, you have been provided with a link to my thread where I show, with clear instructions, and screenshots, exactly how to post URLs to the forums.

Once again…

But, just for old times’ sake, here’s what I used to post before I made that thread…

  1. Upload your screenshot to a free image hosting site, e.g. imgur
  2. Copy the URL of your screenshot to the clipboard
  3. Paste the URL of your screenshot into your post
  4. Highlight the URL in your post
  5. In the Edit window click the </> button to convert it to pre-formatted text
  6. The result will be similar to this…
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je tente votre methode[

il n’y a pas de bug, il faut juste en tuer plus

Erm, okay, embedding that for you…

Okay, so that’s the log of the loot / experience / gold you’ve obtained.

What is the bug?

–==[ EDIT ]==–

I logged into game, went into an Accursed Tower (as it was on alert), cleared the invading mobs, collected my First Kill of the Day, then went to hand in 10 Monstrous Orbs. Here’s the Log…

You’re getting similar gold / XP / items to me.

I still don’t see what the bug is you’re reporting.

10% of 100 is 1 as well so I don’t see how you’d even be able to see a difference for or against. Is the one vanq node 10% gold or just an increase? It def feels like they are expecting more of a boost than is mathematically possible

The Gold Find node in the Vanquisher tree is a 50% bonus to gold from monsters…

I usually have the Treasure Find node used for more drops.

As a quick test I swapped out Treasure Find for Gold Find and killed some mobs in Mount Zavain…

Then I swapped them back again and killed some more mobs…

Can’t see much difference in the amount of gold dropped but it’s a small sample size.

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Yeah I feel the issue here might be a lack of understanding of a boost or that is ky assumption of the information I have seen. They are expecting a larger income of gold from killing mobs

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