Une ligne 11 est apparu depuis la mise a jour

Bonjour depuis la derniere mise a jour sur mon tempete est apparu dans les message une ligne 11 et je ne touche plus que 10% d’or et d’xp et lorsque que j’ai acheter des cristal cryptique via le marchand a cote du forgeron en echange de fragments gracieux cela ma deduit mes fragments gracieux mais je n’ai pas eu les cristaux j’ai recreer un tempete et des que j’ai eu le level 30 la ligne 11 a apparu dans les messages et je ne touche que 10% d’or et d’xp

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Hello since the last update on my storm appeared in the messages a line 11 and I only touch 10% gold and xp and when I bought cryptic crystals via the merchant next to the blacksmith in exchange for graceful fragments it deducted my graceful fragments but I did not have the crystals I recreated a storm and as soon as I had level 30 line 11 appeared in the messages and I only touch 10% gold and xp

You already made a very similar post four hours ago…

Perhaps, as I replied in that thread, you could clarify what this “line 11” thing is.
(I explained in that thread how to link screenshots)

j’ai de nouveau ce soucis mais avec un autre perso tempete aussi malvinia j’ai depuis hier la ligne 11 qui est apparu dans les messages et de nouveau que 10% d’or et d’xp

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I have this problem again but with another character tempete also malvinia I have since yesterday the line 11 which appeared in the messages and again only 10% gold and xp

Again, what is “Line 11 in the messages”?
Again, can you provide a screenshot?

Bonjour j’ai des soucis avec une ligne 11 en rouge qui details tous les loots que je fais les objets ramasser l’or recu et l’experience sauf que l’or et l’xp je ne touche que 10% j’ai ce probleme sur ma tempete Malvinia et sur mon sorcier que j’ai ressuciter aujourd’hui

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Hello I have problems with a line 11 in red which details all the loots that I do the objects collected the gold received and the experience except that the gold and the xp I only touch 10% I have this problem on my storm Malvinia and on my sorcerer that I resurrected today

Again, absolutely no-one knows what you’re talking about when you say “line 11 in red”.

Please, upload a screenshot showing whatever this issue is using the instructions that I already provided to you so that people might be able to help you.

My theory is that “Line 11” could be messages in the “My Log” chat section. But I checked mine and I don’t see any “lines in red”. Definitely, a screenshot is needed.

re bonjour je ne peux pas faire de copie ecran sur le pc portable l’image est introuvable j’ai eu ce soucis sur mon personnage principale dralkens1 et vous avez regler le probleme en deux jours suite a une correction de bugg la j’ai deux personnages qui on le meme soucis et je peux pas jouer avec eux leur nom malvinia tempete et malvor1 sorcier merci de votre aide

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Hello again I can’t make a screen copy on the laptop the image is not found I had this problem on my main character dralkens1 and you fixed the problem in two days following a bug correction there I have two characters who have the same problem and I can’t play with them their names malvinia tempete and malvor1 sorcerer thank you for your help

On PC, to take a screenshot, you press the PrtScn (Print Screen) key.
The default location for the screenshot is…

C:\Program Files (x86)\Diablo Immortal\LocalData\ScreenShot

Then upload it to imgur and follow the instructions…