Bug : character going to the right or stuck

For 2 days now, my character oftenly goes to the right while moving and shooting. And he keeps going to the right whereas I want him to go to others direction.
Sometimes he gets stuck and I must hit rush ability to move him.
When I teleport, that let me play in normal way.
I play on samsung s24 for 3 monthes now, never got this happened until now.
Any ideas what to do?


I am having the same issue on samsung tablet

Same Problem here with a Samsung S24ultra since the Update from today.

It’s a shame. I maybe have put to many hours in that game. But with all those bugs, that doen’t worth it.
Thank you, blizzard

Same problem here especially with my Barbarian if I use WHIRLWIN he go directly south same thing with the primary attack
This is happening in dungeons & Terror Rift& hidden layer. but not in open world
My phone is honor X9

I asked refund… got partial of it.
That’s ok
Waste of time.
No more of this s€&!^ game.

Thank you to remind me not to waste money and time on your games, blizzard.

Same problem, all day long, no se puede jugar asĂ­

Wait for Blizzard to notice any of the following 100 posts, spread across multiple Bug Report threads, all reporting issues with being unable to control movement / skill use on Android phones / PC with Controller (PC with mouse + keyboard seems okay)…

27 posts…

36 posts…

10 posts…

6 posts…

12 posts…

2 posts…

5 posts…

1 post…

1 post…

–=[ UPDATE ]=–

Discussing with clan-mates, Android users affected, iPhone users not affected.

Experiencing the same issues.
My character keeps going on the right. When i use whirling strike and try to aim remains stuck on the right even tho i change direction n my chatacter is sent always at the right side. It often remains stuck entirely without being attacked by any opponent.
Im using a Samsung s23+

This is unacceptable!