Controls getting stuck

I’m playing on mobile & my controls keep getting stuck. I’ve tried pressing the unstuck button, which doesn’t do anything. After 3 min, the buttons start working again, but then happens again and again.
Never happened before. Only started happening in the past week.
Blizzard please fix this.


Im having the same issue. If i change my stance i temporarily can move again but locks it back up and have to keep doing it.

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Me too having buttons stuck on screen issues. Worse when horse + pri attack. Change class to necro, still same problems. Auto pri attack turn on even I disable that. Auto pri attack cause character cannot move and auto pri attack. Blizzard pl fix asap.

Just had this happen in challenge rift. Tried restart phone, check for overheating, free up space no change

Its happening to me no matter what I do in everything. I can’t pvp or do any of my dailies without glitching. Its apparently a Samsung specific issue.

Também estou com o mesmo problema, meu celular é Xiomi

Unfortunately, it’s not just Samsung. It started happening on my Google Pixel last night and feels worse today. I hope this gets fixed soon.

Im having the same issue i noticed it when i started using the new barb essence

UP !! Playing on android tablet. Heard it happened since last patch but i only encountered it yesterday.

Same issue, game.has become unplayable, Character movement skills bugged in game. While using any skill character starts moving to one side. Please fix this soon…