Leave everything account bound, be it items, gold, gems, rares, blues whatever possible. It will ruin the game. To appease the few boomers from D2, you would open the floodgates to RMT and every possible nasty level of botting.

You can’t beat them. They will find some way to make the trade work. So please don’t back down and leave it completely blocked.

The same people crying for trade will the be the first ones to cry about bots and how unfair it is, because they can’t possibly farm as fast!!


blizz already waved the white flag and the ip is poorer for it.


Trading must be allowed, but at best limited trading to the GROUP.

Or it is tradable to the Clan for 1-2 hours, for every ppl that is 24 hours or longer in the clan.


That would be fine, as long as its within a certain timeframe of the drop

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So what you stop trade, there is so so so much more your not considering. But let’s just mention a simple one that plagues WOW. Selling mythic+ runs. There will be services to power level and funnel the loot to you. If this plays out like d3 and gear rains from the sky then you wont have to worry about trade or RMT, nobody will have to buy anything unless someone literally dares them to!


Yea, but apparently drops might be much lower at launch and if thats the case then trading becomes a real problem. If you look at forum post from before, people are already selling gold and legs while in beta.

Plus if there is PvP then the demand for min-maxin and finding the best item becomes even more intense.

Mythic+ runs can’t be stopped, the same way it won’t be able to stop ppl from running farms in D4, but at least you midigate the damage, by limiting bot runs.


in wow u get item XY with fix stats, in diablo it needs maybe weeks to farm the perfect item so sell, because of the random stats, then it is perfect if no one can sell that BIS item, or only very limited.


And here we go with the “But if you limit item trading then that will still leave carry service RMT so why bother” strawman. That argument popping up is almost as consistent as the media’s 4am talking point. Saw this weak argument on the LE forum also. Carry service is not same as direct item trading. Your carry can still suck at their job and rng amd account binding of higher level items could still be in effect. With direct item trading you directly can buy and sell all the BiS items.


Trading is fun, why are we letting RMT and botters ruin it? Improve monitoring and ban people who do it. Botting is still rampant in D3 and trading doesn’t exist, so that is not a good excuse for why botting is a thing. Botting exists because people are lazy and don’t want to grind themselves. People will bot with or without trading. RMT botters should be caught and banned. No trading just ruins the immersion, and you realize you are just in a fake restricted world. Just let me trade items to my brother. If someone wants to waste money on buying pixels, why do we really care? Now, they have better gear than you? Let’s say all trading is restricted, the players with the best gear will be people who put in the most time. Usually, botters or streamers. There are people who work regular jobs who can’t even compete with them on leaderboards if trading doesn’t exist. The time they do put in, they could be farming gold or something so they can trade for crazy rare items and have a chance to compete. In my opinion, RMT and botting aren’t good reasons why trading should be limited or restricted.


I wouldn’t mind if the blue item also are accounts bound, either.
This makes the game absolutely fair especially the pvp. ^^

and if blizz can’t make money from it, then nobody should be able to make any money from it.


Your efforts are futile, I’m afraid.

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I think they should set up a trade site like PoE or an AH to sell items in game. Allow everything to be tradable and get rid of class only drops. I’ve never used D2JSP either and wouldn’t if they made this change. It is really nice being able to trade in PoE using their website to find gear.


If you want to play a game without any trading then please play single player offline.

Stop ruining what made d2 great, trading rooms made the game so much fun. It also gives you so much more build diversity when you can trade items.

I shouldn’t be locked into a character/skill tree because i haven’t found an item.


That’s exactly how it should be. To encourage you to play the damn game to get the items you desire. With some healthy drop rate ofc, not too low like in D2 and not too high like in D3.
Why should we go play single player ? We want the multiplayer experience with fair conditions for everyone, without FG and real money bs.


Allow Trade ONE item for ONE item per month in Kehjistan bazaar (if there would be such thing).

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Yes, absolutely nothing in the game should be tradeable. Not even the most insignificant white item.



The only trades will be pieces of gear (rares) that are farmed at max level that roll really good stats… even then most will be salvaged or sold for gold.

Real Money Transactions will be through the shop and be cosmetic only. No power what so ever so that even means buying gold. Trading in game is fine.

I don’t know why it maters, if you don’t want to engage in that then don’t.

I don’t care if they allow some trading just as long as they don’t allow trading of sacred or ancestral items. It wouldn’t make sense to allow trading of these items in the first place since they’re only available to people in certain world tiers.

One of the things WoW vanilla did right was allowing trading of some items like white items, blue items, some epic quest items, and only some epic items, but kept all the best loot either Bind on Pickup or account specific.

If people actually have to buy their way through lower world tiers they deserve our pity more than anything.

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get ready for the jspers coming in with fake sob stories about how their 12 friends quit after not being able to trade this beta starter item they wanted.

they will do everything in their power to try and keep a door open.

don’t get me wrong i love trading. but i know it’s worth sacrificing that for the sake of the game’s integrity.