Idea of Soul binding items is sad

It will most def be like that with legendary affixes being tradable.

if you mean aspects they are not. simple as that. was a temporary bug, got fixed long ago. aspects aren’t tradable.

Ancestral/Sacred are item tiers, not item rarities, so every item (probably even a white one) can be Ancestral/Sacred.

aha i get it now thanks

so now im sure yellow items will be worth something

i wonder for how long i will check out stats tho
im allready ignoring them in path of exile entirely

If you find a rare with the right affixes it will definitely have some value.

Though under certain circumstances the values of the stats get re-rolled when upgrading it, so this might turn out to be an issue depending on how this works in the endgame.

no thank you.
in my opinion , making everything tradeable would be the single WORST thing that could happen to D4.
look at the state of D2 and even D2R one week after launch : it was bot and RMT paradise : everywhere there was bots : in any public baal , diablo cow.
even in your own game they would sometime jump in to spam about their website.

and even in lobby.

as stated by blizzard numerous times : the high end items should be farmed and earned by actually playing.
not being given , traded for thousand of pebbles or through RMT (pay to win)

the fact that gold and rare items are tradeable is already bad enough.

just look at any topic saying the contrary of yours and how many likes it has :


i wonder how the item level working
i used to get 250-300 ilvl items (on beta) i hope its a cap for it

Trading is one of the main reasons why D2 is still alive and kicking after over 2 decades.
Also let’s not pretend that removing trading solved the bot problem for D3.

What Blizzard really needs to do is to start hammering bots with the banhammer at a rate where they can’t make up for the cost of a new account.

not really due to trade at all…
don’t summarize everything around trade, many many many play even without trading and has just been playing season solo or in duo over and over.

on the contrary i’d say it killed diablo 2 quiet a bit.
just look at how dead D2R has became quickly , there is more bots than actual players…

also bot problem in D3 ? i never saw any personally in all my years of playing it.
whereas in D2 there is mostly only bots in D2R…even in my own public game they would sometime join to spam about their RMT website and kill bosses while doing so

also you know yourself that getting rid of bots , especially when there is open trade to incentivize them to farm is impossible in any game.

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I am playing D2:R in single player at the moment, so there is that.
Though this doesn’t change the fact that the trading community in D2 is massive and that trading is a vital part of the game for them - which is the reason why there is no end to the trade/no trade discussion.
The devs are perfectly aware of this and that is also why trading is coming back to D4 after it got deleted from D3.
So ultimately the question isn’t if we should have trading in the game or not, but what can be done about the bots and RMT.

I don’t know how the situation is right now, but when I was playing D3 for the last time a few years ago, it was basically exactly like this:

Also a quick google search I did just now showed me that botting as well as RMT is still very much a thing :woman_shrugging:

My personal issue is that unless you have a solo self found (SSF) option which has different drop rates to a tradeable game option then those of us who like to play SSF always get hit with a nerf stick because drop rates are almost always balanced around the fact that you can trade for better stuff.

i wouldn’t emphasize the “massive” considering it’s not as massive as you may think compared to the playerbase that went away because of said rmt and bots.
atleast most of my friends did and even the discord server i was in.

that being said, for the sentence i quoted it’s half-true.
it’s not open trading.
devs stated themselves that they don’t want high end items to be tradeable and that they should be earned through actually playing the game and earning it.

my post was mostly due to the OP stating he want everything to be unbound which would be contrary to the devs vision (and mine but that’s my personal opinion)
there was an article and an interview on that a few weeks ago.

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Could someone please remind me in a clear way what is tradable or not in D4?

In any case I’m againts any form of trading, especially AH. Any form of trading will lead to chat spam and parallel markets.

Then bots shouldn’t really be a part of that discussion and are not an argument against what should be soulbound or not.

it does, because making high end items tradeable would incentivize even more bot , also just read the quote of the article from the devs themselves from my previous post.

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But they are tradeable.
You can trade for a perfectly rolled Rare and slap your rather easily available Legendary Power on it.

It doesn’t say anything about botting?

you’d still need to find said legendary , i wouldn’t call that “easily available” considering you might find any other legendary and some have quiet a low drop rate
don’t expect D3 legendary rain fiesta.

and unique themselves aren’t tradeable too but also they CANNOT have their special stats put on a rare while also have higher affixes than rares / legendary.
this is actual high end items

im wondering if you are trolling or not…
just look at what sentence i quoted for my answer you were talking about soul bound items… and i quoted the devs stating the soulbound items (hence untradeable ones)

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i mean im in full support of extreme limited trade or no trade at all. But here you are probably a little off.
In a system where nothing is bound, prices would fall extremely fast, since everything can be resold. and reused unlimited time. meaning the Market gets bigger and bigger with no means to reduce. Thats what i call mega inflation. Thats the worst possible outcome in a economy you can have. Everything will be cheap, nothing has value, and farming is completely unneccesary since the market has it all.

You will have found 100 perfectly rolled Legendary Aspects before finding even one close to perfect Rare.

Finding the Legendary Power is not the difficult part here.

Just hit me up with the part where they talk about botting, because I am genuinely unable to find it.

Bots are a symptom, designing a game around bots is a bad idea, just like building a game around a RMAH. It is like those traffic obstacles in the middle the road to slow down traffic. Some people cannot stick to the max speed, so everyone had to suffer because of the violators.

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