Rares are essentially your legendaries. It will take time to find the perfect rare and then slap the legendary power over it. But honestly I don’t care as much about rares because their drop rate is much higher and you can craft them much easier.

Its trading when it comes to legendaries. Some of them can easily take a build from viable to broken, and there is always someone that is willing to pay real money for it. People are already trying to buy gold! lol so they can upgrade gear and gems faster… its ridiculous but thats what trading brings.

If they want a healthy organic trading then maybe during dungeon runs and only withint a certain time… some kinda limit to prevent rampent bots running around the world with “asdfwertygf” names… believe me, since the world is open now, you will see it and be sooo discouraged from playing after.

Gold was so easy to farm on the beta if you ran a specific dungeon and didn’t complete it but just ran a route that had non stop elite mobs…

I played D2 when bots where everywhere… didn’t discourge me in any way as they don’t affect me playing.

I played D3 at launch when the RMT was there… it didn’t affect me because i farmed my own gear.

I don’t see how these options makes you experience a worse game… you don’t have to put up with it. Report the bot and move on.

The trading will only affect you if you allow it and as of this moment you can’t buy gold so you have to earn it yourself… they already said those things won’t come to D4


More open trading

Trading does not effect your game play. This is not an e sport. There is no prize money.

You dont want trade due to jealousy that someone may have better gear or be a better player than you. News flash thats already true.


Botting up or farming up items to build even more fg then they probably already have now so that they can start buying better items as soon as the game or season launches is not them being “better” than anyone. That is just a loser abusing a loophole, and using the developers intellectual property in a way that is in violation of the EULA they agreed to aka copyright infringement. Doing it for personal financial gain in most civilised countries is illegal. Nothing but petty criminals.

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What are you ranting about.

Im talking in game trade and trade chat.

You will never stop 3rd party in any game. Just because the world is a dangerous and scary place do you hunker in your home in fear?

You dont restrict a fun game aspect because some chinese or russian bot. Sorry


I think the best trade idea I’ve read so far is only allowing trading between the players that you were partied up with when the item dropped. It’s very similar to D3 trading except I don’t think there should be that 2 hour trading window.

I mean I guess you can do this also with players on your friends list and clan list at the time the item dropped and prevent trade from any new players thats added to your lists.

Cool story brah. Yes you do restrict it, or eliminate it by bind on account or maybe just allow very limited gifting in party. Open trade hugely incentivizes bots and rmt which massively increases bis item availability. Which allows anyone with a few dollars or a pile of FG the ability to completely blow through all the developers content and then they whine that the games is to easy, rinse repeat and down go the drop rates. No thanks.


I want to second this, no trading please. If anything make it so you can only trade stuff in dungeons with people were there when the mob died.


I’d prefer no trading and for drops to be balanced around self found loot to discourage botting and RMT. Then again I’m not poor so I don’t rly care.

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They’ll probably disallow trading in a few months after they are shocked to learn of all the RMT issues…you know…after they have the D2 cultists money. On that day I will laugh…A LOT.

P.S. people need to stop using “boomer” wrong. It doesn’t mean anyone older than you.


The one thing I’m not looking forward to are the in game advertisements for out of game 3rd party services. Since we can’t play solo we are going to have to deal with that every time we go to town.

Th question should be, what is Blizzard’s plan to combat the forum where people trade for RM or “forum currency”?

“It doesn’t affect you” is not a proper answer. Diablo 4 will have PvP and PvP currency. It will affect every single person trying the PvP mode and be stomped by an oil baron or a D2 botter.

People were already selling stuff during Beta, it will happen in retail and it will ruin the PvP experience.

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Trading should be removed because of its own issues, and not because of bots.

Yeah that is fine.


Yup, open trading makes the game worse for everyone who doesn’t want to deal with it.


Just as not having it makes it worse for those who enjoy ARPGs because of it (betting that’s most arpg players).


I know we already have separation for Normal & Hardcore so why not have a tickable option for trade/no trade and have those people separated from each other?

I still feel like the desperate bots would post on the non-trade “worlds” I really wish botters’ buyers/sellers were severely punished, that’s my hot-take.

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Every poll i’ve seen about trading in any arpg, people who want it are in the minority.


That’s what LE is trying to do in a way, we’ll see how it works out.

The problem is you can’t balance the two, unless no trade league has MASSIVE drop advantages trade league is always better

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While I think the LE attempt will fail, yeah, bonus points for trying.
Their basic approach is the only one that can ever work for having both trading and not-trading in a game together.