Game producer's post on game balance

This post by the game producer Matthew Cederquist gives some insights on their ideas on balance. As previously stated, a blog post will be coming in the future. I wanted to increase his post’s visibility as it is post 368 in another thread. From multiple other posts, the max target for top player @~10K paragon is GR 141.


And in the Blue Tracker at the top of the forum.


I will admit that I tend not to click frequently on that link, but look for the icon adjacent to the thread. He had already posted early on in that thread…


What I don’t like about his post is the fact he wrote about classes and not about builds.

They should think about builds/sets if they want to do balancing.

While they would never be able to balance all sets to the same, exact GR number it should be relatively easy to eliminate +10GR differences.


It makes sense to me why he spoke of classes and not builds.

To balance at least one build between classes, there are 7 builds that need to be roughly equivalent.

To balance all builds, there are 37 builds at a minimum [7 classes X 5 or 6 “builds” at a minimum. 5-6 builds = LoN/LoD + 4 (and now for monks and crusaders 5) class-specific 6- piece sets. Some classes can benefit from the bonus of multiple 6-piece sets.]

It is my opinion that they should do what they are doing. Bring at least one build from each class to parity. Assuming, the current GR numbers were “final”, it means buff necromancers and nerf AoV and small number tweaks.

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Blizzard does not share your opinion.

If I was you I would not speak about things I dont know about.
For example you did not play RapidFire build at all that is why I don’t value your opinion on it.

If they can do only 1 build at a time at least make it something that more players can enjoy playing.

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There are planning on fixing things and some are higher priority than others. My comments were more directed to the idea that all builds should be balanced quickly. I am realistic on this issue.

P.S. I would use 141 (not 143 as the target).

P.S.S. When I replied I thought I was in the other thread. My comments were supposed to be to @SeuTiBeun and not you.

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No you are not realistic.

Because you don’t mention DH in that last sentence… that is why you are not realistic at all.

How many GRs is Impale behind 143?
how many GRs is UE behind 143?
How many GRS new set is going to be behind 143?
How many GRs marauder is behind 143?
How many GRs is Natalia with anything else than RapidFire behind 143?

If you want to look at numbers than you need to look at more numbers. For example you saw how unpopular RapidFire build is when you checked how many players did over 130 worldwide. Remember?

If you want to know why RapidFire is not liked by many players you can read about hellcat waist guard / nades mechanics here:

RapidFire is not used for key farming.
RapidFire is not used for bounty farming.
RapidFire is not used for speed GR EXP farming
RapidFire is not used in groups
RapidFIre is only used for solo push and that is all.

Now compare that usability to the usability of AOV Crusader set, Vyr Chantodo, WW Rend…

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hello ,

just some questions for you :

  • all the builds and sets of Crusader can do 140+ ?
  • all the builds and sets of Monk can do 140+ ?
  • same for the Bard , Necro and Sorcerer ?

they can’t buff all the sets at the same time , just remember the WW episode on ptr and the Crus episode just after 2.6.7 and before his “nerf” .

they did 2 sets , i think there will be another 2 for the next season , and another the season after …

You play DH , i did long time ago but didn’t like it ( and it’s not cause of the sets ) but Bliz can’t buff ALL the DH sets just because DH is behind on leaderboard . ( look at the necromancer )

They have priorities i think but it’s not easy to wait .

No but they can do MANY more things with their top build than RapidFire can. I repeat. RapidFire is only for solo pushing WWRend is for almost everything. Can’t you see the difference in usability?

IF someone can do 140 on RapidFire it does not mean DH needs

That is far from truth.

Most DH sets I listed are 10GR or more away from 143. And that is if user had 10K paragons.

His own words.

I don’t know what are their next modifications .

Do YOU know them ?

Let’s wait a little and see what is the program . I wish a DH and necro new set or push , but i’m not in their head .

You say they can’t buff all sets at a same time…WHY? Did I ask for something like that? No.

You jump in the middle of discussion between me and Micro… while not even reading all.

I had problem with that sentence.

I dont have to read their mind. They said they know DH general performance is weak. Something I linked here… something you could see if you wanted to read.

ok, so you want to “attack” me but YOU don’t know if i read or not the posts when i talk .

For YOUR information , i read all the posts before talking in a topic or to someone BUT it seems YOU are the best man who knows all i think and all i read .so read this with attention :

YOU only think of YOUR own person so , it’s my last discussion with YOU on this forum .

and just a little remain for you :

No you are not realistic.

Assuming, the current GR numbers were “final”, it means buff necromancers and nerf AoV and small number tweaks.

Because you don’t mention DH in that last sentence… that is why you are not realistic at all.

How many GRs is Impale behind 143?
how many GRs is UE behind 143?
How many GRS new set is going to be behind 143?
How many GRs marauder is behind 143?
How many GRs is Natalia with anything else than RapidFire behind 143?

If you want to look at numbers than you need to look at more numbers. For example you saw how unpopular RapidFire build is when you checked how many players did over 130 worldwide. Remember?

Have a good game , Diablo is a GAME

Yes… Those are my words. However, the era is relatively new. DH are the same this era as last. The power characteristics of DH are interesting. I would suggest that you look at this from era 11. It clearly shows that wizards were outlier (and they were nerfed). It is a bit hard to see the DH line in part because at that time the lowest clear on the DH leaderboard 1000 was 117 (This number was higher than all other classes excluding wizard that were nerfed). Comparison to AoV are of limited utility as they too are being nerfed in the next patch.

I fully agree that demon hunters need a buff to a builds not named rapid fire; however, at least in era 11, DHs appeared to be the easiest class (not named wizards) to get to 120. In this era, it appears that barbs will be #2 (again AoV #1 that will be nerfed) in the ability to get to 120.


P.S. I am not sure why the x-axs was truncated on the forum, but you can see it at imgur if you click on the image itself.

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I attack you??? I think it is the other way around. You type “YOU” in full caps… not me. I never said anything to you before you asked me some stupid questions.

But you say they should target 141 and not 143. While you don’t mention nerf to the Barb.

I don’t mention nerf to the Barb also, that is why my target is 143.
If they miss the target for DH it would probably go - some GR and not + some GR.

DH numbers do look interesting, but you did not look at them. If you did you would not skip my question regarding each set performance.

To make it a bit more easy and fair for you.

What do you think is the build DH can use right now that can be used in most of the content just like WWRend can?

Please tell me how far that build is behind 143GR right now.

You will see that it needs much more than “small number tweaks”.
What ever is your choice it will be behind much more than 5GR.

Because Matt already addressed that. See the first post. Target is 141, up to 143 fine, 144-145 gray area relative to oucome (keep/nerf), 146 and up nerf.

There is nothing comparable. UE6/impale are exceptionally good to a point and then caps out well below ww/rend. I am not disputing that. Impale tops out around GR 129 in the era 11 leaderboard.

For DH, I can imagine Blizzard to get to their target GR level will either:

  1. Buff RF higher (I suspect that you would not like this)
  2. Buff one of the underperforming sets
  3. The new set will be designed to be at the target

Since profiles are now available, you can look at mine. I main a DH. This season I did barbarian as promised.

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Exactly. DH community wants something that we can play whole day with… Not something that we are going to use 5%-10% of time when we solo push.

If RapidFire was enjoyably it would help but it really is not.

DH was meant to be ranged classes that is dodging enemy attacks. Look at passives like Steady Aim for example. When you play RapidFire you stand still at one spot!!!.

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The thread with the dev balance posts was deleted, so seems like something is not going good.

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You may want to look at:

The top 4 of the non-season barbarian worldwide leaderboard has changed. The #1 rank now is a GR 145 at under 14 minutes @ <10,000 paragon.

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