Diablo 2 resurrected release date and beta date

D2 beta should be june 29th to mark the aniversay of diablo 2. Along with the release date, anything less and I will have disappointment if your going for the holidays at least announce it, if its closer then that then you can pick a day at this point half the year is over should be able to pin point a day.


Still hoping for a Tuesday, May 25th, 2021 announcement on Beta! Guess we’ll see in two days! :slight_smile:


On May 4th they said the 2nd half of the year (2021).

June 29th, 2021 is 2-3 days before start of 2nd half of the year. Could still be a possibility. More than likely between June 29th, 2021 and August 10th, 2021! :slight_smile:

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I agree 100% with you they “Blizzard” needs to be more open with the community about what’s going on. That’s the very least I expected pre ordering D2r, that we be receiving updates consistently via the forum, **I was Way wrong on that one.


That is just stupid to mark the anni? You mean to say the release is on the anniversery. That is what any decent marketing would market. How stupid are people to not even realize the obvious. if that happens I would like whatever idiot on blizz that is responsible for this to be shot in the knees and resign.

I let my WoW time expire since the TBC pre-patch sucked if you didn’t already have a 60 (and I’m not going to pay them for a boost). TBCC will be the first major WoW release in the entire game’s history that I don’t bother playing on release.

D2:R is the only Blizzard product left coming out this year that I have any interest in. I hope it’s soon.

I have a feeling they may have pushed it back to not compete with 9.1 and TBCC though. That would be extremely disappointing since I’m not interested in either. Still holding onto hope for an anniversary release even though it’s only a month away with zero indication that even beta is starting soon…


I won’t be surprised if modded private D2R servers will start running even before D2R official release. Current cracked alpha is being dissected right now, imagine what will happen with Beta.

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Good luck trying to run D2R server. Anyone who will try it will most likely face blizz lawyers.

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So July 1st thru December 31st… starting to think it will be december 31st due to the douche baggery with blizzard.

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