I still believe that Beta will be soon. D2 Ladder will reset in beginning of June to give people one last “oomph” at og D2 Ladder before D2: R release. D3 Season 23 will end between end of June to end of July(possibly beginning of August if it is exactly 128 days like previous two seasons: April 2nd, 2021 + 128 day season length = August 8th, 2021) based on previous season lengths. This will give perfect timing for a D2: R release during this time period of D3 Season 23 end. So, D2: R will probably release between Tuesday, June 29th, 2021 to Tuesday, August 10th, 2021! Mark it, and sign it!
If my guess about the Beta start on May 27th/28th, 2021 is correct then they’ll probably give us an announcement on Tuesday, May 25th, 2021! Two weeks from now! Still gives them time to tweak the game from the Alpha Test Feedback!
The announcement for Beta should be within the next week, or two. The Beta will probably start at the end of May/beginning of June like I predicted above!