Game Toxicity Born Of Bad Chat UI & Isolated Servers


It just gets weird and fanboy in the queerest of fashion after awhile.


I read it, as it points out a lot of what’s wrong with the game and it’s causing issues with the playerbase.

There are many posts about each of these issues. Go look up some. I know of 3 just about the lobby issues alone.


Toxic jspulinity: noun When a no-lifer thinks that because he has been playing the same game for 20 years he and his fellow no-lifers are morally superior to the point of calling other players boring and bad and needing to “get gud”, unironically and in an utter lack of self awareness, in a thread of his own creation ranting about sources of toxicity.

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Mith, when I click your forum profile Profile - Mith-1762 - Diablo 2 Resurrected Forums ( almost every single thing you have ever said in this forum, is an unnecessary direct insult against other forum users with nearly zero meaningful input or even any real cognitive argument.

You troll at a teenage level. It’s like you’re a 15 or 16 year old kid that time traveled from 2008 d2jsp forums to 2022 official d2r forums and have no idea how to speak adult.

Let me help you with your troll game amongst mature crowds. If you want to actually roast people and be taken seriously while doing it, you need to avoid doing these things: Logical Fallacies - List of Logical Fallacies with Examples


See above. In a thread of your own creation attempting to identify and address sources of toxicity, you are completely oblivious to your own penchant for the very thing you think you’re combating. I’m not sure if this an elaborate troll or just perhaps the most serious case of cognitive dissonance I’ve ever seen, but nevertheless you have my pity.

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Oh also, plenty of other people are noticing the same things I’ve noticed. Just other people don’t take the time to iterate it in quite the way that I do.

This is just the first page of the forum:

  1. Join game to MF and everyone leaves EVERY TIME… It’s time for /Player 8 online - General Discussion - Diablo 2 Resurrected Forums (
  2. Whay about the lobby? - General Discussion - Diablo 2 Resurrected Forums (
  3. I’m tired of no games being listed - General Discussion - Diablo 2 Resurrected Forums (
  4. Bug: ingame chat not working randomly? - General Discussion - Diablo 2 Resurrected Forums (
  5. Friendly Reminder to Fix - General Discussion - Diablo 2 Resurrected Forums (
  6. This game is getting really toxic without /players 8 - General Discussion - Diablo 2 Resurrected Forums (
  7. Same 20 games in lobby - General Discussion - Diablo 2 Resurrected Forums (

You have yet to contribute any discussion or agument toward this thread’s actual topic. The only thing you ever post are Ad Hominems. At some point you’ve got to evolve here bud.

With the way you post and how many people must report you a day for trolling and spam, I have no idea how you still have access to this forum.

You’re like a prime candidate as a poster boy toxic forum user.

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There are no safe spaces for you wall flowers online you want a safe space play offline. The world is a toxic racist hohmoh/xeno phobic place that will chew you up and spit you out.

As I said, your cognitive dissonance and lack of self awareness is truly dizzying.

Still an argument from authority, people are strongly biased.

This all just psychological projection ^

Don’t you dare compare yourself to me.

In truth, you are the one initiating the action to reach out and attack people in this forum. I am only responding to you and pointing out what you are doing.

If you cared to notice at all, the people who make posts who are not insulting, even if they disagree, we’ve had good discussion in this thread.

You’re like the guy who walks up and starts a fist fight, and then claims that the person you attacked is just as violent as you are because he defended himself.

Get out of here with that stuff.


You are clearly over embellishing the facts.

  1. For a very long time we would not be able to fill game with actual players as spam bots would join before that could happen.
    This only stopped in last few years with latest patches.

  2. There are no bot games because there are no bots like there are in D2 original.
    You’re incorrect again.

  3. You have forgotten that D2R is not core code.
    D2R sits on top of existing original D2 core code.

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  1. I have never once in 20 years seen my Hell Chaos/Baal game fill with trade bots. If bots filled my games, it was always bots designed to actually run the Chaos or Baal. I mean, not saying your wrong, just saying I’ve never had that problem.
  2. Might want to reread what I said about bots man. I said the exact same thing that you just said: “That there are no bots like there were in D2original”.
  3. D2r is not core code? D2r sits on top of existing code? How is this even relevant to anything in this thread’s discussion?

Anyway, to add in a response unrelated to Shivan, someone else in a different forum just said that: “We need a Global Chat like in Path of Exile”

I agree with this. If we had a global chat, you could summon 7 players to your game immediately on demand, and it would be nearly as useful as adding /players 8 to multiplayer. It would also just plainly be a massive upgrade for community cohesion in general.


You have serious delusional problems. The first two people in this thread to disagree with you even to the simple point of “Are you sure?” were met with insults, accusations of trolling, and just general toxicity.

And if according to you I am a troll, and an unsuccessful one at that, and as are anyone else who disagrees with you, why is every simple response to you met with a tenfold reply?

This was my experience on the original game on US West. Everyone used /cow to find cow games and it was full of players (no bots) looking to play cows. It went all the way up to /cows30 , literally thousands of players doing cows.

All you had to do was type hellcow6/6 and 8 players would INSTANTLY fill the game up and continue playing until everyone left.

But in 2022 I have literally 1 cow or baal game refreshing through my feed at a time :joy:


No one asked me: “Are you sure?” They came out and used Ad Hominems to attack my personal character. What kind of misrepresentation of the timeline of facts is this? Furthermore, I did not insult them. I simply pointed out what they were doing in the same way that I am doing to you. If you find that insulting, maybe you should reconsider your choice in actions as you are the one insulting yourself, not me.

Plenty of people disagree with me and we end up having productive growth filled discussions in this forum, but those are the ones who are not being insulting.

The ones who do insult me, who don’t make any real statements or topical discussions or provide any mechanical insight whatsoever, are the ones who are being ignorant, and I will always point out to them what they are doing, like a mirror.

This is in hopes that they use that self-realization of looking in the mirror and seeing themselves, to evolve from being a butt, into being a normal person.

It’s not hard to figure out my friend.


It seems like it is, to you at least. Once again the “unsuccessful troll” elicits pages of response by the guy who can’t even see his own insults for what they are.

Well of course, you are helping make this thread entertaining to follow and providing free bumps so it is more widely viewed.

Your posts indicate that you believe you are trolling me, but in truth you are helping me keep this thread at the top of the list so many people see the statement that you are so starkly trying to discredit.

But also, I have been 100% serious in all my responses in this forum, explaining to you how you can grow and learn to better handle yourself in a forum like this or any social situation in general. You should stop viewing this as a petty “I want to win” situation and just take the good advice. I’m giving out for free man, take it.

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Your reading comprehension as poor as your self awareness.

Regardless of your responses to me, which I understand for the sake of your forum identify and clout, I know that you’ve learned a thing or two during this debacle.

You’re welcome kid, and it’s ok. You don’t need to disclose the acceptance publicly to benefit from it.

Cheers to the learning process.