This game is getting really toxic without /players 8

Just sayin…
I’ve noticed a lot of really parasitic and toxic behaviors as a result of not having this capability online.
-People make a baal run and don’t actually go to baal, they’re just hoping for the game to fill up so they get more drops and exp running something else.
-People making bogus trade games or questing games just to lure people in.
-Every questing game lately will have multiple high level players competing for different areas and sometimes even pking each other fighting over chaos or something.
-In some cases the high levels will intentionally kill act bosses in the questing games in order to force the questers to make a new game that the high level can follow them to.

Like, come on. Add players 8 already, this is getting ridiculous and ruining the experience for people.


They got it for offline, that’s all you’re getting for that.
The only thing that you can do is run with friends. There’s your /players 8.


I’m having fun pking players coming into my public leveling games tho. Just hop on my 90 and get some free gold. Then go back to leveling.


Love it

Character requirements make me die a little every time


Players X would disincentivize playing with strangers. No one would make public baal/CS games and everyone would farm LK for high runes. Players X is an essential part of SSF and it would be game-breaking if introduced into online.

No thank you.


lol @ thread name, very clickbait, very untrue, very edgy, much try.


With respect, I would describe the d2 community as, “colorful” even before d2r.

Fake Baal games have been a thing for quite some time now. But I will agree its more common currently.
Bogus trade and quest games I think are the same as the fake Baal games, always been there.
I have not seen any PKing yet, so can’t comment there.
Have not seen any acts of #4 either where griefing occurred by killing act bosses. I mean, to be fair, its a public game. Nothing says that someone “can’t” do that. It might be a bit rude perhaps, but not against TOS or anything.

And lets be honest here, if people want to be rude, they will figure out a way to do it. Adding /players to online won’t make that big of a difference. People will still make fake games. People will still Mf in public games. People will still troll.

If such things bothers you that much, you do have some options -

  1. Fill the game up with friends. Several discord clans are actively recruiting.
  2. Put a max level/difference on. That alone I have found made quite a bit of difference. Most Mf’ers are 80+.
  3. Make a password game, and invite those whom you choose to.
  4. Play it entirely solo.

Playing in a public game really is open to the public, and anyone in the game is allowed to do whatever activities they choose. They don’t have to group/party with you, they don’t have to do the same quest, kill the same boss, or so on. And yes, they can even hostile you and hunt you down. Thats what a public game is, its public. Its not “only part of the public whom you agree with.”

I agree it might be poor form, but nothing says those things are frowned upon either.


Yeah thats the dynamic right now. Its kind of fun!

The thing is nobody joins if I make a game called “xp splitfarm 01” or something like that. They sure do join if i make a baal game or my fav is “lf white monarch” lol

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Can someone explain to me why it matters if you’re running baal and I run countess? I mean your other points are valid ah, can’t refute, don’t do that but I feel like 1 player in act 1 has no bearing on the 7 in Act 5. If y’all cant kill p8 baal with 7 people that’s a separate issue.

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I agree they need to add this functionality to the game if they don’t add round robin personal loot like POE has - Same number of drops - everyone sees the drops - only one person can pick it up unless they leave the area or after a certain number of seconds pass then it’s open.

However you’re either new to the game or kidding yourself if you think this is new behavior thinking it’s “getting toxic” this has always been this way regardless if you ever saw it that way.

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I’d be open to this idea with the following conditions:
1: Only available Non-Ladder. IMO non-ladder is “sandbox play”, so why not…
2: The number must be set on game creation and can’t be changed on the fly. If for example a public game is set to /players 3, the game will be players#+2 or 8, whichever is less.


It’s more of an issue when people are making entirely fake games just to draw people in, and it has a negative effect on pub questing games. In baal runs I honestly LIKE having mfers in the run because it gives more exp to the people running baal.

I suppose the community could help solve this by just having more public “Kill stuff here” type games, but those are annoying because you always waste time getting somewhere and then find the area was already cleared.

Password protect your own game.

Poof toxicity is gone. No need for /players 8

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There’s no reason they couldn’t add these commands for MP, and it would hurt no one.


I bank all my gold. I also turn off auto grouping. You can’t find me. I’m farming up the bosses while you get nothing. You get close I teleport away.

Now what?

The good this would do vastly outweighs any of the bad. It’s also extremely easy to implement (or it should be). So I don’t see why not. Public games will still exist, I’ll still do Chaos and Baal runs, at least. But when playing solo online, at least be able to have more of a challenge and get some extra drops, at the cost of it taking longer to kill enemies. Again, I see no problem with that. It would also make HRs relatively more in reach for the majority of players, rather than the select few who enact toxic practices in order to get higher chances for HRs. If someone wants to no-life a randomized map LK, let them do it by themselves, rather than being toxic in other types of public games or tricking people wasting their time, or whatever else. Adding /players to online is basically win/win/win/win and maybe one loss (I’m sure there would be some minor negative that would or could come from it, but I can’t think of what that would be right now, anyway)


For me the solution is the ladder. There have been rumors for new items, new runewords and new monsters. If these are done correctly then they would offer incentive to stay in a single game instead of hopping non-stop all play session from one meph to the next meph.

Reminds me of that Carbot video where the Paladin says to Diablo “What if I teleport to town, can you get me from there?”, and Diablo looks dumbfounded.

same here! ill make games, TC87 runs. HR Hunt. p8 open MF. hell even make All Quest Open. nothin. no bites. nada.


Honestly. I would be down for some longer play sessions with other people. Just splitting up the areas. I’m fine with the Act1 farm spots. I enjoy the atmosphere of the pits and mausoleum.