Hi Blizz,
Friendly reminder to fix whatever bug (or feature?) is going on with the game list. Often times I will log in and there will only show 0-2 games in normal, 0-2 games in nightmare, and 0-2 games in hell. Now I’m no math wizard, but something tells me there’s more than 0-2 public games being played in D2R. So…where are they? The “fix” is even weirder, sometimes it will simply fix on its own over time, sometimes it requires an entire game/client restart, sometimes I can join a game and when I get out it will be populated, sometimes none of it works and I’m stuck with 0-2 games to play with, and uh, that’s not very fun. So whatever it is, bug, feature, idk, please look at fixing it for 2.4 patch, thanks!