I see no improvement on the ptr but this is where this game need work!
Refresh button not working
We r enable to find games between all the trades
Chat is bugged in games
I really wish all these problems r gonna be solved before ladder starts…
Also game information (script) sometimes not displayed (game information not retrieved or is slow to be retrieved) and the actual entire point of the lobby the game list is too small.
Why not add the option to remove the new picture of what character your currently using in favour of a larger and easier to see list of games. I would rather see my character in the line at the bottom of the screen and have a larger easier to see list of games.
Make the game list bigger make the automatic refresh only remove games that are no longer populated… and make the refresh button actually refresh the list please.
The lobby needs work and its a lot easier to figure out than balancing the game imo why wont you do it lol is it a boring job nobody wants or something?
Lobby and channels are really trash. Pre-Expansion community pointed out the game Issue long ago. It starts to get annoying with low Player base. Finally lod guys can feel it too on ptr and the topic spreads in blizz forum.
Basically you have no ingame way to arrange multiplayer games with somebody out of your Region and not in your fl. If i arrange a game with my irish friend (i’m from austria) through discord, we can’t even Chat.
Private channels only work with invitation and are gone after you join a game. Lobby filters out most of available games.
You can just use d2jsp or dicord to manage, lets say a pvp, baal run or an ironman community.
I’m 100% on board with a complete lobby overhaul! I do think that this patch, however is focused on game play (not lobby improvements).
Show more than 20 games, introduce a subset of game for “play through/quests, farming, dueling, and trading”. Allow you to create a game based on a quest you need to finish (or join a game with someone who wants to finish it). That would help a TON!
i thought the lobby would be the easier thing to fix on a high priority. with big bang for buck ratio…
they’re doing everything else but that…
im confused.
- Allow me to use the home and end buttons in the game name, instead of choosing the first and last game in the lobby.
- Don’t auto refresh every 10-15 seconds, let me do it by the refresh button (that’s what it is for). I’m looking through a list of 20+ games, and finally see one I am interested in, only to have it refreshed away automatically.
- Get rid of your server system based on location. Having to use a VPN to be able to see any games at all is stupid. Some players like me have literally 0 games listed most of the day every day.
- Add a search functionality.
Its annoying that the team saw nothing wrong with the lobby system. Guys… just keep posting it. Just keep posting it. Just keep posting it. Sadly thats the only thing you can do to make them listen.
Look, Blizzard knows that a lot of players rely on third party community hubs like Discord and JSP to look for a group for private games. Doing anything less would be inefficient and a waste of your time.
Even if they fixed all these issues, I honestly think that players would still prefer to use these sources to meet and group up for their gaming experiences.
The current environment is not optimized for modern gamers.
Think of everything you can do on modern platforms that you cannot do in a D2R lobby? Finally, to me the most important feature of third-party community hubs is accountability.
In D2r I can swindle you and there is very little you can do to recover from your loss. In Discord or any other platform, if you do any nefarious activity, it can potentially damage your reputation and any benefits that come with it.
So, put yourself in Blizzard’s shoes, why would you invest any time in improving a system that simply cannot compete with the competition?
They did promise and authentic D2LOD lobby experience
Glad you are satisfied! Im not, many other people expect more as well, obviously. Im sure the Team apricates your defending of them. Hope they send you Bliz points or something.
Also to not have the list of games refresh every 5 seconds!
I am not opposed to improving the current lobby, I am simply providing reasons as to why it’s not priority for them to improve it right now.
I think that game balance changes is FAR MORE exciting than the lobby. Its the type of patch that generates hype.
The Lobby and chat features are just embarrassing. Not improving/fixing them for months just shows the spirit of the developers. My Beloved D2 will implode soon with all the nonsense “balance” improvements. Our only hope are mods.
Sad thing.
The community moaned about desync and rough connections for YEARS in diablo2 AND now on D2R! THE DEVELOPERS LISTENED!!! Then removed access to games that would give you a crappy gaming experience… You no longer have to game with bob and his potato computer and internet connection.
There is NO way to make ANY of you happy… you moan like ladies of the night every time they FIX ANYTHING! This game is abandonware… they needed some quick cash and you gave it to them… YOU GOT EXACTLY what you asked for. An abandoned early 2000 game with pretty graphics… Enjoy it already.
There is an easy way to make everyone happy. Every low budget multiplayer game uses it. Just show the ping of each game and let the player filter games by his needs. Players own choice if he accepts a ping of 40,80 or 140. There is no need to exclude 95% of the community automatically. Make a working refresh button and let the player filter the games by pvm/pvp/trade for example would be a bonus.
Amazing how you argue for bad quality.
It’s garbage for everyone. The old D2 Lobby was better than the D2R Lobby. This has nothing to do with modern gamers.
People used the lobby as first contact point. Before joining/inviting to a 3rd party platform.
No sir!! YOU are arguing for bad quality. Blizzard cant control the ping of gamers out there… you would log in and see a list of 300 ping games and rage quit… you want to rage quit because they wont show you those games… you will not be happy with ANY resolution they give you… showing you the laggy crap fest games is just extra steps for them… accept that they wont be bothered with your moaning and move on.
Your description is far away from reality. We saw that system work for 20 years. I gave an easy solution above, it allows the player to use the variant he wants. Just by picking the option to show all games or only games below a certain ping.
The system did NOT work… THOUSANDS of posts about desync issues you all begged and pleaded and when they fixed it you all complain about it… If Blizzard is smart they will never change how it works… it doesnt matter what the complaint you all insist that its never good enough.
That’s because there were only two servers for both US East and West, and I’m pretty sure they were both in California (the last time I read up on this).
Those thousands of comments youre talking about from 10 years ago are irrelevant to today.