Yo yo yo I have another hot take its a fire zoneeee get ur big kid pants on

Have you considered the potential for doxxing?
Let’s take me for example

Now let’s say one day everyone’s forum name becomes their BNet name, now Psychopath A, knows I live in virginia

and if my BNet name is my real name (it’s not) they would know that too.

Now they know I have a Facebook, live in Virginia near Richmond, have my first name, I think they have enough to find me at that point.

I’m gonna have to vote that not happen :laughing:

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Could go either way :person_shrugging:

Okay, that is true, I didn’t really think of that. But I don’t see how they could get this information just with a user name. Unless if I am missing something.

What if your BNet is your real name?

Some people do that crap, someone in this very thread probably has their password as password


In fact, you guys should check out this site


It maintains a database of leaked passwords + emails, search for your email or password there and see if it is part of any leaks :+1:


Well, I mean there are a lot of JEdwards and I’m pretty sure Blizzard has advised people to not make their battle tag their first name, unless it’s real id. But I get what you’re trying to say and you do have an extremely valid point.

I agree with this, WoW was a very huge game at one point and a ton of non-tech savvy people have played it. The solution is obvious: give people a chance to change their battletag so they don’t make posts under their name or whatever.

Agreeing to CoC upon login should force the player into watching a short internet 101 video

They did, they gave players a free battlenet change. It wouldn’t hurt to give another

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Mine is JEdward, But oddly enough that is not my name

You’re forgetting all the information people have posted.

I live in Virginia, 30 minutes North of Richmond, actually

Now you know exactly what county I live in and what high school I went to.

That just gives Blizz a “We gave them the chance to change it” excuse. People are dumb when it comes to technology

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Okay, but maybe jEwards shouldn’t post that stuff? I don’t know.

i mean honestly most of you spend enough time here in the first place and done know who does what it’s pretty simple to just ignore the posts and the op is constantly putting threads up you know spam trolling whatever you wanna call it but ya. most the posts here are garbage anyway ain’t even about the game cause the ones that truly are sit with no responses besides the clickbait titles people use. i always put worthless stuff up about draenei’s why would i consider even talking about the game cause most of you in this thread have little interest and always mixed up in the true trolly threads.

I’m not spamming trolling? I’m just putting my thoughts out there, I only made this title because it’s sort of a hot topic that and I was a bit bored. I’m just saying, something sort of needs to be done after the stuff I heard today and yesterday. In fact, I haven’t made that many threads recently, I’ve probably made one or two everyday. Besides, I have made game posts, but okay.

That’s really cool for such a hot take

This has only been suggested a half million times and a lot of people agree about having a unique identifier for forum posting. I think it would be a good idea too, but it seems to be low on the totem pole for happening.

(Please note: I agree with making people use a unique identifier and NOT their actual names. You can have unique forum IDs without using RL names.)


You are so creative!!


Yeah… because it seems like a HUGELY good idea to put in any of your passwords to anything on some random website so that people now know it’s a password of yours… :woman_facepalming:


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To be honest, I thought this would be somewhat of a hot take because a lot of people don’t like the idea of having a bnet on here.

Your same “hot take” could be implemented easily without bnet IDs. So it’s not that hot a take. :slight_smile:

No he shouldn’t.

Literally anything you type could be your password, what?

The site is meant for you to check if your password has been compromised, I mean if people don’t care that’s fine :person_shrugging:

Yep, been down that road :laughing:

Best solution I’ve come up with is to have a global name you can select to go by. Not Bnet, not RealID, but some new username that everyone sees no matter what character your on on the forums.

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