There's a WoW dating FB group :o

your boy just signed up, wish me luck fellas

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Ah so you’ve never heard of Datecraft? It’s gone now but you can still see it using waybackmachine

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I think I heard of it yeaaars ago. Was it around during the old Youtube days?

Yeah it was around back then lol think it was created around vanilla

Code red with arsenic.

As the nerd gods intended

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I’m in Bowling Green now :slight_smile: Went to High School in King George though

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Lmao imagine using Facebook

Also yes Facebook steals your data so their algorithm 100% knew you’re into WoW


People in my hobby mainly use Instagram and Facebook. lel

Forget Facebook let’s start a dating service right here.

I like short walks to the fridge.
Turn ons include blanket forts and mustad pretzels.

Turn offs include people, places, and things

Get at me

I always wanted to play in a blanket fort, also, what’s a mustard pretzel? lmao.

Pretzels with mustard

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oh…ew…Tbh, I haven’t had a freshly baked Pretzel is probably a decade

I like it even on the small ones

I can safely say I would not trust a facebook dating group

I’ll just use the forums

Must do 20k dps, and regularly compliment my great tanking and amazing threat generation to feed my ego

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omg, this female guild member I had back in Whisperwind would have loved you lmao.

Ah, I know where that is. I was in Martinsburg for a couple of years, going to college in Winchester. The mountains are nice there.

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It has its ups and it has its downs. I’ve made a lot of friends at it over relationships that haven’t worked out, so there is that.

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Que me up for LFR: Looking for Relationship


LFG: Looking For Gnomes.

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I keep WoW isolated from my real life, with the exception of people I know who play. I’d rather be single than use a WoW dating site. I’ve met many lovely people here, but the weirdos you do meet, really outdo themselves.

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