Yo yo yo I have another hot take its a fire zoneeee get ur big kid pants on

They do that on the Diablo forums. Never seen people troll there.

Idk why people have nothing better to do that play WoW. Weird phenomenon if you ask me.

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Yeah, this is why every now and then you see someone on the forums complain that they got banned from the game from swearing. I enjoy those threads.

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People would still have the freedom to change at any time, if they have the money :smiley: You suggesting P2W for trolling? :rofl:

Well, if you really want to control trolling on the forums, I think in-game punishments as well as forum ones would go a long way toward doing that.


Me too, they’re always so much fun.

if you been in trouble alot it does carry over. it did one time for me i know.

At least with battle tags somehow connected to each post, people couldn’t hide behind Classic characters! :dracthyr_sweat:

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It would at least benefit blizzard so its not entirely a loss
For every 1 person that chooses to go the extra mile to troll by using real money or bnet balance from gold there are more people who will draw the line at too much effort required to continue trolling :ok_hand:

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I think it would be a good troll combating measure, but add the numbers too since there’s common names out there. If someone friends you, just decline.

Yeah, I remember when I was silenced in-game, and I couldn’t post on the forums, but this is easily passable. You just refresh and you can post or something.

Yeah, I agree but I mean things like, call out posts and those getting deleted and such.

i really don’t care there’s only one person that i call terrible here and y’all know who that is. i just recently started ignoring some people the forums seem fine to me.

I’m curious about those statistics, but there’s no way to find out so :person_shrugging:

Its a law of human nature

The average person dips out when more effort than they judge is worth is suddenly required

Adding a financial cost to trolling is also a very predictable way to have people reconsider how much they care about trolling

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No, I’m not suggesting that at all. I’m just saying it needs to be battle net name

But an average doesn’t mean will happen but there’s no way to prove one way or another so :person_shrugging:

If they actually implemented this it would be painfully obvious from lack of participation in the forums that next to no one is playing the game. And as a full-time flamebait troll, OP would probably be no longer able to post anyway.

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Why would I no longer be able to post? And I literally said if you read my post, that I don’t mind trolls, my problem is with people impersonating and spamming the forums and harassing others lol.


I guarantee you that at least half the trolls we currently have right now on this forum would move on from trolling once they realize they need to invest 200$+ after a month and a half to keep sockpuppeting lol

Sure rich people don’t care, but most people reconsider choices when money gets involved :woman_shrugging:

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The forum would be declared gluten free :spaghetti: :sob:.


I do too but only because the whole notion of swearing is stupid