Yo yo yo I have another hot take its a fire zoneeee get ur big kid pants on

Its time we joined the other Blizzard forums who have this.



I’m gonna have to vote no :no_entry_sign:

Agreed. Its how Blizz handles their other forums anyway. Being able to post as a character offers very little value here, and introduces multiple problems.

Granted, I’m probably biased since this is a forum alt sharing the name with my Btag anyway.

If they can have us post via Btag and still somehow designate a character for the sake of opening the armory, that’d be ideal, but honestly I’d be down for btag even if thats not possible. Most times people want to look at someone’s armory its to identify a troll (btag largely does this on its own) or gatekeep feedback (which is occasionally realistic, but mostly just bullcrap).


If you wanted to go this route why not have random “FORUM B-tags” just a unique jumble of numbers or whatever after your post count that identifies you.

No possibility of hacking since these numbers are just nonsense
No more T-squad (though lets face it, that person has nothing else to do with their life they’d still be here)

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Some people like to RP :person_shrugging: While I personally don’t I wouldn’t say their gameplay style is of little value.

RP on the forums is very rare compared to the game. Even the RP forums are mostly not RP.

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I agree with you! Its been suggested many times over the years and its yet to be implemented so I feel like its not gonna happen. No idea why its not a thing though, its almost like the mods want people to be anonymous.

Bliz would need to allow people to change Battletag name before implementing this.

You can’t fix stupid.

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Why is that?

If Battle Tags are too much (and we know the backlash for RealID on here was immense), then instead of another handle you would have to come up with—and plenty of names would be taken quick—I think having to choose a main character to associate with all of your posting characters on the forum would work out all right. I think after choosing a “forum main” you’d have to be locked out of changing that for a fairly long length of time (and you wouldn’t be allowed to delete the character from the game either while it’s your main).

This would accomplish the goal of having all forum alts be associated with one name, while also having the name be in-game related and still allowing you to switch characters on which to post. They could stick the main character’s name, server, and a mini avatar somewhere after our post count like this—or below the current text
or, maybe better, move the currently-posting character’s level/race/class/achievement-points to the top line and put the “main forum character” info on the second.

It’d certainly be nice to know who is actually posting behind each alt
though, for my alts—whether I post on them or not—I actually go to check-pvp and search for them myself when then get to a high enough level to show up (along with the other 90-ish character I have) that way anyone that uses it to search for alts actually can see them all (well, besides the one classic character I’ve ever posted on but that name gives it away anyways).

With a “forum main” (or Battle Tag) alongside every character’s post, you’d know who’s who without needing to use searches like that (or people comparing pets/achievements or guessing or whatever). :exploding_head:


i’ve been suggesting this for a good while now, back when i played retail with my mains, the Fooki’s.

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For the reasons you quoted prior to this post lol

People don’t know how to manage their online identity, I know for some people it doesn’t matter because they go by their character name on social media so if you want to find out who they are they are already telling you with each post :laughing:

Why? In online safety classes fhey teach u not to aay this sguff

Have all wow players taken online safety classes?
Of the people who have taken online safety classes, are their people that do stuff they were taught not to do?
I would guess like 99% of people that drive in America have taken driver’s ed, do people still end up doing things they were taught not to do and get into accidents?

I mean you’re concerned anout your online safety on here ywt u say a bunch of stuff

No, I’m concerned about others.

But you used yourself as an example mulitple times.

To show the things that people do.

If anyone shows up at my house I will shoot you through the door :laughing: I’m not worried about me I’m worried about others.

Okay? Well thank you for speaking for others? I just don’t get how habing a bmef user is suddenly a problem nothing as of recent has happened on the ow forums.

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Do problems have to be recent for them to be a concern?
When was the last time a foreign terrorist attack the continental US? Should we not worry about acts of terror since it was so long ago?