Going by your battle tag name instead of character name

~~How would you guys feel about going by the name portion of your battle tag (so not the #1415 part) instead of your character name in game? So instead of Kaurmine it would just say ‘Tosti’ or whatever no matter what character you are on. To clarify I’m not talking about realID, I’m talking about the battle tag you chose. Counter arguments I’ve thought of are: Break of immersion; but you don’t have to do it, it would be an option. Inappropriate names; could still be reported. And the biggest one is people with the same name, which I have no solution for. I’m just interested in how others feel about this.


Concerns expressed so far:

-Role play immersion

edit 2:

What if you had the option to see character names instead of battle tags? So now the options are use your battle tag or use your character name, see others character names or see others battle tag name if of course they chose for it to be seen. You could opt to go by your character name and see others character name and nothing would change for you.

edit 3: This change is primarily for in game, you can discuss the change on the forums if you like though

edit 4: Instead of going by your battle.net you can go by a chosen global name. This should remove the fear of privacy since it’s no different than any other name you’d pick and not attached to your battlenet information.


They do this on FO76 and it sucks. :frowning:


Blizzard wanted to use Real ID as your forum name.

Teldrassil was a campfire compared to the raging inferno that resulted.


Blizzard wanted to try this at the beginning of Wrath, where your real life name was tied to your forum identity.

It is an overwhelmingly bad idea and should never have been considered.


Gave me a good laugh


No, that is a bad idea lol. A quick google for “video gamer tracked down assaulted” should remove that idea very quickly.


It definitely wouldn’t work for WoW.

I mean… can you looks at my incredibly hot, but psychotic female Demon Huntress alt and go:
“Yup, that’s Hans.”
“You mean like… Hanne?”
“No, Hans.”
“But… Hans is our Paladin.”
“It’s Hans, see the name plate? Yo Hans, 'sup!”
“Whoa… yeah that’s definitely Hans.”

It would totally ruin the fun in voice chat from all the guys asking if I’m girl. I wouldn’t get to shock them, they’d know right away that I’m Hans.

You took away my Divine Intervention, don’t take away one of the last raid trolls I have left. :sob:


I think it’d be better to go by battletag . No alts would really cut down on trolls.


You can still be Hanne :slight_smile: you’ll never hear an idea from me that involves taking something from others lol.

That’s what I meant, edited title to reflect


The community I am a part of goes back and forth between calling eachother by our mains and our bnet names. I personally think bnet names should stay where they are, locked in communities and not in normal chat channels.


My character’s name is Randolthor.

My battle tag is Randalthor.

Shrug emoji.


I’ll say the same thing I said when battlenet was “real ID”… HELL NO.


Cannot help but wonder what might happen if people disagree with a post you make. Could you not end up being swamped with in-game friend requests from any and all servers? The ultimate down vote.

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My mains name is Drusyn, my battle tag is Drusyn :smiley:


No thank you. I don’t need people knowing my battle tag unless I want them to


I forgot a portion of my original thought I’ll update but it wouldn’t be the full b tag, just the name part not the #15124 part

All joking aside, this would break certain aspects of RP.


In a word: No.

To expand on my argument:


I would be okay with that on this forum but nah for in game.

Lol pretty much.

What I want to know though is most people I have on my friends list has their btag listed but have their real name or character name in ( ) beside it…how they do that George