WTB Dual Spec - One Change Blizzard

cute comeback, i suppose, but there’s only one problem- when did i ever claim to be trolling?

you’re one opinion; just like i.

i’m sure there were some, and when they tried to tank after, i’d imagine there were failures along with others continuing to level. i don’t have the numbers, just like any of you.

Yeah, I think it’s a much larger issue for a select minority on the forums (and certain youtube channels) than it is for people busy playing the game.

So here’s where I’m at now. I want to play TBC all the way through, then when Wrath drops, progress into and through all of that. I suspect that Cataclysm Classic won’t happen because there isn’t as much of a draw for that, but if I’m wrong - well, I’ll probably just sit that out. It seems like classic has a cycle that can only go so far and that limit is nowhere near shadowlands or or even Legion.

What I’d like to see and find out how popular (or not) it is, is add in all of the talent, mechanics, and QoL changes that were in the game during the final version of Wrath, but starting on fresh servers that progress through all of the phases on a set schedule. I’m willing to bet there are at least 5 other people on the planet that would like to play that game with me, but I have no idea if there are enough for Blizzard to even consider giving it a shot.

And certainly not yet. Let the current iteration of classic run it’s course.

But then it wouldn’t be TBC. I know it’s not exactly TBC and never really could be, but it’s pretty close (at least as far as I remember). There are people currently playing BCC that never played during TBC. That’s one of several reasons why I would prefer as few changes to it as possible. I don’t think the changes “ruin” it per se, but they make it a bit less of The Burning Crusade and for dubious potential benefit.

Or maybe, I dunno, don’t state something as a fact when you don’t really know what you’re talking about? Try that on for a while, see how it fits.

That’s generally how decisions are made, yes. If the cons outweigh the pros we elect not to proceed. Did you mistype there?

You don’t actually have to /spit, though. It is still a choice.

Right? Seems like that would have been a good thing for someone to do.


They should do this. I would like for Blizzard to give the players what they want. I just get tired of being in the group that doesn’t get to have fun because reasons.

If we could have both, please make it happen.

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I’m curious if there’s anyone out there that would draw the line later than Wrath. I’ve heard of a few people saying they’d like Classic-Cata or MoP but those opinions seem to get so much less support than finishing with Icecrown Citadel.

MoP was fun, but it was a different game then TBC.

I’d play both versions if they were each available. But I wouldn’t want them mixed together.

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Yeah, I enjoyed MoP, but I’m really not sure if I’d want to go back and play it again. Not the way I am and would like to play TBC and Wrath.

Uhhh, what?

  • We have the Modern in-game voice chat.
  • Modern raid UI.
  • Modern options UI.
  • Modern HD water, Ray tracing Shadows and other graphical options.
  • Paladins have the faction specific seals. This was a WoTLK change.
  • We have the Tinnitus debuff on drums that never existed in original TBC.
  • We have the modern API.
  • Modern arena changes.
  • We have the reduction in spell batching that didn’t occur until 2014.
  • We have a level 58 boost. Didn’t the first level boost come with WoD?
  • We have a mount that never existed in original TBC that came with this boost in the Deluxe edition.
  • Boosted characters have short quests and items that never existed in original TBC.

I’m sure I’m missing more but this was just off the top of my head.


That’s fair, I probably wasn’t viewing it in that sense though. I didn’t treat most of those changes as actual gameplay changes. All these changes (Except for seals for paladins) and now feral druids, are not related to the actual character you play.

Maybe I’m just lazy and I’m being greedy, but I feel dual spec and allowing you to que for bgs from anywhere without being ported back or having to go to the bg quartermaster in the first place is a nice quality of life improvement that they should have just added. But it seems that most people opposed to it have the view that it will do more harm than good, which is why it shouldn’t be introduced.

What modern arena changes did they make btw? I only did a few matches so far and noticed nagrand and blades edge are very similar to how it was from before. Unless my mind is playing tricks on me from back when I was a kid and I simply forgot.

Ahh, nvm. I see what changes you’re referring to now, ignore that last comment I made.

I’m not “an angry person” try to label me all you want to make yourself feel better, I’m just a person. Sorry if getting angered at people being so stupid that they think this “muh slippery slope” FEARMONGERING strategy is somehow logical is foreign to you, but I won’t pretend to hide my emotions.

People want to complain about there not being enough tanks for dungeons, but will shoot down this sort of thing immediately.

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There still aren’t.
In retail.
Where respec is free.
There still aren’t.
Dual spec is not going to fix the lack of tanks.


As usual, the community wants the developer to fix the problem caused by the community, because changing would be an effort.

yet another one- quick to try and criticize or put someone down, yet can’t offer any arguments to defend their opinion. i’d still love to know what exactly it is that i supposedly don’t know what i’m talking about. it’s been thrown at me twice now, yet no argument, counter, nothing.

how about you actually present your case with an explanation defending your opinion like i did previously or just sit there and shush while adults discuss. try that on for a while, see how it fits.

I’m sure it’s possible for you to look more foolish.

evidently, you skipped over the bfa expansion then if you really believe dual spec wouldn’t help the situation any… here’s just a quick search of “azerite respeccing”:

and then more complaining from people who want to play multiple specs:

i’d hope by now you get the point.

So we need to add a BFA feature to TBC?

Why not just go play Shadowlands then?
It’s got the stuff people are asking for.

who the hell said anything about adding a bfa feature?? is reading comprehension that difficult nowadays with common core?

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