Respeccing is costing some upwards of 60 USD per item

Think about that blizzard. Now since we can change gold into real life dollars and respeccing costing up to 300k for serious players htf can you possibly justifying that? And then it doubles. “Carry different gear” Should not be the answer to this. If you say that then you as a a player are what is wrong with this game.


Why not? Care to explain?


"Carry different gear’’ is their reasoning and why they did what they did. The thing is acquisition and the issues with that but respeccing was not put in so you can use it over 'n over.



serious players have multiple gearsets, they’re not spending all that much respeccing.


Uhm…I think you have some serious issues. I’m sorry if only one gear set has the traits you desire, but…that has been a thing for a long time. Trinkets, rings, necks, backs, tier until it switched with yoru spec.

Suck it up buttercup You want to chase the edges of the bell curve for every encounter and that is going to cost you. Make gear sets that work and pursue getting multiple copies of the pieces you insists you “have to have”. Like serious players always have.


^ This.

Also OP: Is your serious player character on your other account?


First, i see that you are new to the forums. So, WELCOME TO THE WORLD OF WARCRAFT! We’re so glad to have you!

Second, gold into real life dollars? Isn’t that illegal?

Finally, if you have to respec that often, then I hate to say this, but you need to either carry different gear or find a spec you like playing and settle on that…

Anyways, like I said, WELCOME! We’re so glad to have you!

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I wouldn’t consider myself serious by any means - midcore at the very most - but I keep multiple gear sets for all my characters. My off-spec doesn’t need to be as well geared as my main, and I’d much rather just keep a few extra Azerite pieces than spend gold to respec.

I don’t think I’ve ever gone above 20g, and that’s only because of getting upgrades on my main spec pieces, then reforging the old ones to use for my off-spec.


Carry different gear has literally been how wow worked since vanilla. Hell, at least now you only need 1 set of gear per spec, if that, instead of carrying a set of fire res, a set of shadow res, and a set for nature res on top of your dps/tanking gear.

What exactly prevents you from getting a second gear? They don’t exactly fall from the sky, but I can get a 415 from residuum every 2 weeks, and occasional one from raid. I stopped counting how many 400s I’ve sharded. I spend a decent amount of time in wow, but I’m by no means the most serious.


You have serious issues if you’re respeccing azerite armor that often.

If you are truly respeccing azerite armor THAT often, you should be doing content enough that you should have had enough azerite armor drop for your off specs.

If you decided to scrap it, that was YOUR decision. I carry different sets, even as a hunter.

Do I think respeccing should be free (Or azerite armor should change with spec)? Yes. Is it still your fault? Yes.

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It absolutely is the answer to this. Why shouldn’t it be? Half the fun of every MMO I have ever played is keeping a bag of utility items to swap in and out and matching gear to the right situation. If anything, WoW should do more to encourage it.


Something something fools and their money :stuck_out_tongue:
“WTF Blizz I’ve got the same 15 Azerite pieces the last 2 weeks”
“WTF Blizz it costs an arm a leg and a second mortgage to reforge my gear”
“WTF Blizz I have 148 bag slots, 10 of which already taken up with hearthstones, food, flasks, potions, drums, autohammer, gliders what do you mean I need to carry extra sets”
Definitely sounds like a game problem :stuck_out_tongue:


Transmogs cost 400g. Now that’s outrageous. But it is a nice-to-have, not a need-to-have so we can live with it.


They’re only 200g for my fabulous self.

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YOU and others like you are the ones who are using the system for a purpose it’s not intended for.

You know how Night Elves have the racial that swaps between Haste and Crit depending on the time of day? What you’re doing would be akin to having that racial back in MoP and rushing to Reforge every piece of your gear every time it changed, rather than just building your set to be usable regardless of the current status of the racial.

The Azerite Reforger in BfA exists solely to allow players to fix more or less 1-time issues such as realizing a trait isn’t what they wanted, or getting new gear and wanting to assign the old gear to an offspec, or changing main specs entirely and needing to change traits to accommodate for that, as well as allowing players to fix their choices if Blizzard decides to make changes to some traits, which happens a lot.

For all of those uses, Azerite Reforging handles the job just fine and stays pretty much in the sub 100g range.

Stop treating Azerite Gear slots like extensions of your class and start treating them like the static pieces of loot that they are. You are wrong. You are wasting your own gold and/or cash, and Blizzard is more likely to remove the feature entirely because of people like you than they are to remove the costs to enable your abuse.


Of course it’s retarded. We’re suppose to have multiple sets of azerite gear apparently. Even though they’re super restrictive on how you obtain it outside of raid.

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Was the answer for years


it’s not very realistic to expect someone to have another set of 415 Azerite Armor with traits suitable for hard content.

i have to reforge between prot and fury for keys; would be nice to use other pieces but azerite trait balance is kind of a joke.

if im abusing it, would like to know how. ideally my other specs would be competitive in all content but blizzard hasn’t done that yet so i have to foot the bill?


Are we that soft now that carrying a different set of gear is too much to ask ?


heres a hint:
get another set u nub
stop reforging