WTB Dual Spec - One Change Blizzard

I’m running myself near broke with the amount of gold I have to spend on respecing. I have be shadow to quest in a timely fashion, and I need to be holy/disc to consistently run dungeons without sitting around for an hour.

Please hear me out…

The community wants this, as a heal bot for my entire classic experience, clicking name plates with my mouse endlessly, I’m ready for a change. Healers want to DPS, Tanks want to dps, dps want to tank; but nobody wants to spend 50g every day!

On almost every classic tbc server there’s a shortage of tanks, there’s an easy fix to this!

Lets talk about it Blizzard, come on.


I made a second priest And leveled it up so I have a holy priest and a shadow priest. Don’t want to respec? Level!


#nochanges weren’t crying for no changes when they got boosted characters…

yes we were… we never wanted boosted characters -.-


suuure. that’s why so many of u didn’t boost, right?

You 100% don’t need to respec especially as a priest, go disc, and you can quest, PvP, and heal dungeons.


the main issue is tanks, just like the OP mentioned.

We definitely needed another one of these threads making the same argument as the other 10…


Yeah dual spec isn’t magically going to make a tank set in someone’s bag, evidence points to it not helping the tank issues at all as blizzard continued to further incentivize tanking dungeons (to the point of literally giving you rare drop mounts for queuing into a random dungeon), still does today, and it still is an issue in retail and in every other iteration of the game.

Dungeon finder won’t help either… wanna know why? Because there aren’t enough tanks to support the amount of dps wanting to do dungeons… nothing is going to change that, especially not this change which will literally just be used by people to save money.


You’re misinterpreting the evidence. All it shows is that dual spec didn’t help enough. It’s just as possible that Blizzard looked at their numbers saw that dual spec was partially successful and decided to build on that partial success with another additional change

Dual spec wouldn’t be used by me to save money. I’m not spending any money now to respec my druid. She’s dps and will be until dual spec is added. In Wrath, or hopefully sooner, I’ll add a resto spec and start to heal

And how do we know that it was “partially successful”?

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We don’t, just as you don’t know that it didn’t help the tank issues at all. Your interpretation of the evidence is obviously faulty. We do know that I and many other people have posted that they play in a dps spec and would add a tank or healing spec if dual spec was added. That evidence shows that the number of tanks and healers would increase with dual spec

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You and “many others”? The majority don’t even look at this… so no, not evidence of a sizable impact.

I stated this in the other thread but here goes again… you are the one trying to change the game, you are the one that is making the claim that it will help alleviate the “tank” issue, you are the one that needs to back that up with evidence… which there is none because it didn’t fix the issue and blizzard had to literally throw free mounts at people (some of which that require potentially months of grinding) to get them to que into an auto dungeon teleport system and even THAT didn’t fix the issue!

It’s not a valid reason to add dual specialization, and until you can prove otherwise I will continue to refute it.

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We don’t know the size of the impact but there is clear evidence that it will increase the number of tanks and healers. Even a small increase is better than none. Your argument boils down to unless we can fix a problem 100% we shouldn’t do anything to try to make it better. That’s not how anything in this world works. Problems always need multifaceted approaches to get results

And your argument boils down to, “even if it adds one tank to the pool we should completely change the way the game works”


I don’t want dual spec.

You want this. Speak for yourself.


Grats on the new helm!

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When I post in a thread I first read every post in that thread. Since you’ve been posting on these dual spec threads for a while you should know that dual spec will add more than one tank. So either you’re posting this without having followed the debate from the beginning or you know your post is wrong but you’re hoping to get away with it and con us into thinking it’s a winning argument

Thanks! I gotta get working on leatherworking and heroics for the next pre BiS upgrades :slight_smile:

I’m planning on Kara in the next week or so too!

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