WTB Dual Spec - One Change Blizzard

I’ll concede to this Ysz, blizzard have yet to show us that they’ll introduce something from a later expansion, proof being in classic when we wanted summoning stones. They’ll definitely stick to their guns.

people like you take #somechanges to mean #anychangenomatterhowbig. you just don’t understand what the classic version of the game is all about.

maybe someday Blizzard will do a true “classic+ version” with all the extra bells and whistles you’re thinking about. but that is not what we’re currently playing.

There is no “odd” to it. We have over 15 years of systems that Blizzard have tried to utilize to fix this very issue because dual spec didn’t fix your problem.

Dual Spec added, still not enough tanks and healers

Call to Arms added, still not enough tanks and healers

Massive buff to tank threat, reduction in dps threat, not enough tanks

Massive increase in healer mana regen removing mana issues, not enough healers

Oversimplification of stats on gear making it so anyone could slap on a shield or flip a switch to be a tank without any excuse. Guess what Shadow Lands still doesn’t have enough of?

Battle for Azeroth saw some of the lowest queue times in dungeons and it was because Blizzard threw all your upgrades into the world to keep DPS out of dungeons and even they were smart enough to not claim it fixed the problem which was still a better solution than Dual Spec.

Blizzard has data and many failed attempts now at making it work. Dual Spec was not your savior. People are not tanking or healing because they don’t want to do it. People using Dual Spec as a bargaining chip would be tanking or healing if they wanted to do the role right now with no excuses. The moment you make an excuse for not doing it, is the moment you admit you don’t want to do it.

So many people play pure classes. What does giving them a Dual Spec do in solving the tank and healer issue exactly? What proof do you have that many players will switch over to tank off spec when Blizzard has only witnessed a slight increase in wait times if not steady wait times over the years? It isn’t rocket science. If you want to tank, tank. Stop making excuses and do it. If you make an excuse you don’t want to do it, and you won’t do it save for the situation where you can’t snipe a tank from everyone else and that’s personal benefit and no benefit to the community. Pro for you, continued Con for everyone else.


“Burning Crusade Classic is a faithful recreation of the original release of World of Warcraft®: The Burning Crusade®”

“Progression realms will continue to experience content updates as they become available and will have access to all the features included in Burning Crusade Classic”

I missed the part where it said they were adding features from later expansions.


“faithful recreation” means NO dual spec.

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I feel your pain. If only there was a class that could tank AND dps with one spec…

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Good thing we get Dual Spec when they split that one spec up.

Right? I feel like that would be a BEAST of a class. Shame there isn’t one…

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And it will be a good thing in wotlk classic because it’s part of wotlk. It’s not a good thing for tbc classic.

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what exactly was i called out on?

No disagreement here.

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“faithful recreation” would also be NO boosting, yet…

boosted characters don’t really change the feel of the game for anyone who does not buy a boost. yeah you can spot boosties from time to time, but all you have to do is /spit and move on.

I want dual spec myself, but I run Smite Spec on my Priest and I smash everything while questing. I did the same thing in TBC original and WoTLK original. Dual Spec for me is more for my friends who play Prot or people like that. Yes to Dual, but I never needed it on my priest until they messed it all up several Xpacs later.

That you are absolutely clueless and have no idea what is going on, or what you are talking about on the topic you mentioned.

really? so the influx of mages and warlocks wasn’t noticable? the amount of people buying carries and hardly having anyone to group with while leveling in prepatch wasn’t noticable? regardless of opinion, a QoL from later expansions was included; people arguing against dual specs now is just being redundant about tanking- if you don’t think so, just go rescan the forums about people complaining about having to pay to change their azerite powers 5-10 times a week, due to swapping from tank setups to dps and healing to dps. people will do it… but when forced into a choice, it seems most will stay as dps to get more things done.

your opinion. i’ve explained and made arguments; all you’re doing is throwing words out, hoping someone laughs and/or agrees with you to comment… and yet you wonder why i used the word “troll”.

If you are a “troll” I’d look into a new line or work. Quitting your day job would see you out on the streets friend. But it’s okay, you can go ahead and save face.

all the concerns you bring up about boosties pale in comparison to doing something like dual spec in tbc classic. yes, boosts are bad and I would have preferred not to have them, but they are like a paper cut compared to the arm amputation that would be dual spec.

No one used their boost for a tank?

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