Real life comes first always! Take care of YOU.
Everyone’s events/discords/guilds have been added!
-crawls back into hibernation chamber-
This is a hecking pretty pin <3
Event Name: Soup Night
Faction/Neutral: Horde
Event Hosts: The Southfury Watch
Days and Time(Server): Biweekly on Wednesdays at 5PM
Location: The Crossroads, The Barrens, Kalimdor
SHORT Description: A server tradition started by the Whitehorn Tribe, the Watch continues it. Come and eat soup. Be merry. Be happy.
Event Ad Link: No longer updated
Update 3/25:
Added a few more recurring events to the Community Events list as well as a name-generator in the RP Resources section!
Guild Name: The Leyline Lodge (Horde) and Leyline Lodge (Alliance)
Faction: Cross-faction! We have a Horde and Alliance side to our guild.
Description: The Leyline Lodge is an inn popular for its bar and variety of drinks, most come just to dine and others to spend the night. We are always hiring new waiters, cooks and bartenders. Those who work here have a certain set of responsibilities in the guild, those go along the lines of customer service and food service! We have our menus that our customers can order off of and there is a variety of different foods and drinks, foods will be made by our chefs and drinks will be made by our bartenders, and they will be delivered to the tables by the waiters. If you have any questions about our rules or expectations, go ahead and shoot me a message over Discord. (Our bar is located at the Booty Bay inn.)
Races Allowed: All!
Leader(s): Vinashe (Horde) Sebaki (Alliance)
Who/How to Contact: Vinashe (Over Discord: Eleaira#4672)
RP/PVP/PVE?: We focus mainly on the RP aspect, but of course we could start the other ones as well after gaining some new members!
Requirements: None!
Currently Seeking: We hire all who apply, but we are looking for more Alliance right now. We need more members to help run the Alliance side of the guild.
Most Active Playtime: Night.
I just realized I haven’t actually posted here in the new sticky! Let me take a moment to throw down some information for my guild and community:
Guild Name: Hearth and Homestead
Faction: Horde
Description: A community of adventurers that support one another. While outwardly they are professionals, mercenaries, and merchants looking to expand their enterprise, the reality of the situation is far more serious - and the stakes far heftier than they let on. An RP guild accepting all Horde members, preferably either Good, Neutral, or Lawful on the alignment charts. Hearth and Homestead attends many public events, but our own events are an ongoing storyline involving a plethora of characters!
Races Allowed: All Horde races!
Leader(s): Rudaba Quatra
How to Contact: You can contact me in-game on Rudaba. You can also contact me on Discord, username RestlessAuthor#3386.
RP/PVP/PVE?: This is strictly an RP guild. Membership is considered IC, including alts. Our sister Community is used to maintain communication with members who are not in the guild.
Requirements: There will be an in-character recruitment process we will need to complete before you will be allowed to join the guild. This process can be performed by any officer. All members of the guild must be at least 18 years of age.
Currently Seeking: We will take any roleplayer that can type in complete sentences, but we respectfully ask that individuals who play murderous Evil-types refrain from attempting to join. The guild’s hidden IC mission is in direct opposition to that style of character.
Most Active Playtime: We normally operate based on Eastern timezones, and our scheduled events are normally Saturdays. However, we keep server time into consideration, and never schedule events earlier than 4 PM server time.
Forum Post: [N-RP] The Hearth and Homestead Caravan!
Now, here is the information regarding our Discord community:
Discord Name: Hearth and Homestead
Theme/Focus: General entertainment, but with a focus on MMO RP (specifically, WoW).
Rules/Requirements: This server is strictly 18 and older. We also have several rules in place that help make the server inclusive and discourage aggressive interactions.
Owners/Mods: If the invite link is not working, you can speak with RestlessAuthor#3386 or The Meme Goddess#6969 for a server invite.
Faction/Neutral: The community is entirely neutral! We also make an effort to attend any Neutral events we learn about.
Invite Link: wzqC6TA
Info: Hearth and Homestead has been a thing for roughly 8 years now. We’ve seen our membership climb to 400 people a day, and plummet to only 4 people. With all that we’ve experienced and learned from our ups and downs, we’ve decided to shift focus from strictly RP to a broader community that supports a greater number of hobbies. Our Discord server is set up in such a way that users actually join chat channels individually through roles they select by typing commands! No need to go through and mute the channels that don’t interest you - you will only ever see the content you want to be a part of. If you like TV, Movies, and Music, we have a category for that. A big fan of Cyberpunk? We have one for that, too. League of Legends player? Tabletop gamer? Anime fan? You can find a role for all of those things, and more - and if that’s not what you’re into, you will never be bothered with that content flooding your Discord! We’re really pushing for community involvement right now - attending as many public RP events as we can. If you simply want to broaden your network, or if you’re just looking for a place where you can talk about more than just WoW stuff, Hearth and Homestead wants to make you feel right at home!
Everything in the comments above was already updated but just wanted to make sure everyone knew!
Also added Lindiwe’s Event Calendar to the Community Events section.
Oh crap, I was just saying how the lack of stickies can make it hard to navigate the RP community and now here we are!
Right so,
IDK if this will work but
In the event of my uh…not being here anymore:
I hereby give reigns of this whole posting to Feyawen.
Are you doing okay? Do you need to talk? I’m always available to talk in-game if a forums thread is too public.
I am not.
Disc is best since I let my sub run out.
Guild being renamed.
Event Name: Future Funk Fortune Festival
Faction/Neutral: Neutral & Cross Server
Event Hosts: Xepher K’awiil (H) and Luminess Brightcoil (A)
Days and Time(Server): Saturday, May 2nd, 4PM WRA | 6PM MG
Location: Lunsatre Estate, Suramar (41, 77)
SHORT Description:
Won’t you take me to Funky Town? Oh you bet we will! The Future Funk Fortune Festival is a celebration of fortune tellers from all walks and cultures across Azeroth. The festival will go out with an energizing rave capturing all the vibes future funk has to offer!
We are looking for fortune tellers, presenters, merchants, and food vendors for the festival. Interested? Check out the link below.
Event Ad Link: [N-RP]✨Future Funk Fortune Festival - May 2!
This isn’t really a event or guild just more of a community if thats allowed for this. link to the topic at hand as well as for the community join link.
I’ll add a section for non-Discord communities to the Community tab!
Guild to be added:
Guild Name: Mystic Paw Caravan
Faction: Horde
Description: Mystic Paw Caravan is a rag-tag group of intrepid explorers, artifact hunters, and “liberators" of shiny things that belong to people who don’t appreciate them as much as we do.
Not long ago, the caravan left Vol’dun in search of a mystical, and priceless, artifact in the Eastern Kingdoms. A series of unfortunate events and “learning experiences” led to Caravan Master Vúl rebuilding her caravan from new vulpera explorers and mercenaries from the rest of the Horde’s races. This time, she paid special attention to the need for guards and scouts to protect the caravan members from being eaten by gorillas… again.
Despite opposition from naga, over-sized cats, and a giant, angry statue that forgot statues can’t move, the Mystic Paw liberated the artifact, and a tidy sum of treasure to boot. And nobody died! Except the naga. And the over-sized cats. And the angry statue. But nobody important! Anyway, The Caravan is ready to set off in search of their next prize. If you’re looking for adventure, to explore the farthest reaches of Azeroth, or to find your fortune, there’s always room at the campfire in Mystic Paw.
Races Allowed: Any lore friendly races. (The Caravan is technically vulpera, but all races are welcome!)
Leader(s): Vúl (Caravan Master)
Who/How to Contact: In game: Vúl, Tillie, Vessatae, Narianda. But anyone in the guild can direct you to one of them. Discord: VZacVgK
RP/PVP/PVE?: Mostly RP, but casually everything. We encourage members to do all kinds of content together from leveling to tmog runs to battlegrounds etc. etc. etc.
Requirements: Generally lore abiding. After joining, there’s an IC interview to establish what the character brings to the caravan skill-wise and what their IC role will be. Maybe you’ll choose from one of these many, fine roles, such as…
Navigating far away from gorilla nests and mutant cat dens
Disarming traps some inconsiderate scoundrel put around our artifact
Protecting the caravan from miscreants who don’t understand the basics of “Finders Keepers”
Healing Vúl when her pistol jams and some beast uses her as a chew toy
Tending the hyenas until we figure out what to do with you
And more!
Currently Seeking: Active, friendly players who are interested in our RP and storyline.
Most Active Playtime: late evenings and weekends (server time). More, as the caravan grows.
Under the community section please!
Discord Name: Warcraft is a Stage
Theme/Focus: Roleplay Networking
Rules/Requirements: See Links
Owners/Mods: Lindiwe#6607
Faction/Neutral: Neutral & Faction
Invite Link: w7C8V8k
Info: Take a look at our thread for all the info! [Next Event: July 5th] 🎲 Warcraft is a Stage Community
To add under RP events please.
Event Name: For Sepulcher The Bells Tolls.
Faction/Neutral: Horde, Forsaken centric.
Event Hosts: mostly Noslferatu, sometimes various others.
Days and Time(Server): Various.
Location: mostly Sepulcher, sometimes Deathknell.
SHORT Description: This forum thread is an umbrella advertisement for all RP events in the Silverpine area, as well as related events in current Deathknell, which are all part of the Lordaeron reclamation venture (LRV).
LRV is just the arc device to use as an excuse to get more Forsaken RP to happen during this sickening time of lore. Hit us up if you have Forsaken centric RP you always wanted to host.
The different events will be in the thread. Some of these will have multiple weeks of occurrence, so keep an eye on date and time.
Event Ad Link: [H-RP: Events] For Sepulcher The Bells Toll
To be added under Alliance guilds, please and thank you!
Guild Name: Picks and Pints
Faction: Alliance
Description: Medium-weight Roleplaying and Social guild themed around traditional adventure and exploration themed Roleplay.
Races Allowed: Open to all.
Leader(s): Halflan, Rufaic
Who/How to Contact:
Halflan can be found in Discord at DisgruntledLemming#3167
RP/PVP/PVE?: RP Focused, no organized PVP or PVE planned currently.
Requirements: Informal Interview
Currently Seeking: Dwarves especially, but taking everyone!
Most Active Playtime: Events around 6-9 server time, general activity between 4-12 server time.
Forum Post: